• Acute atrazine intoxication in heifers: Case report and toxicological studies 

      Marron, Yolanda; De Geronimo, Eduardo; Poo, Juan Ignacio; Garcia, Juan Agustin; Rustichelli Millán, Gina; Britos, Gastón; Lázaro, Fermín; Canton, German Jose (Wiley, 2024-06-23)
      Atrazine is a triazine organochloride herbicide, frequently used in different agricultural activities. Rare acute intoxication with atrazine is reported in production animals, and its metabolism in mammals is unknown. We ...
    • Amaranthus hybridus (syn. quitensis) intoxication in cattle in Argentina: Case report 

      Garcia, Juan Agustin; Rustichelli Millan, Gina; Scioli, Maria Valeria; Britos, Gastón; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Micheloud, Juan Francisco; Canton, German Jose (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      Amaranthus spp. is a nephrotoxic plant with unknown toxic principle, affecting production animals worldwide, mainly in South America. The aim of this paper is to describe 5 spontaneous outbreaks of A. hybridus intoxication ...
    • Bovine campylobacteriosis in bulls: insights in the conventional and molecular diagnosis 

      García, Juan Agustín; Farace, Pablo Daniel; Gioffre, Andrea; Morsella, Claudia Graciela; Mendez, Maria Alejandra; Acuña, Joaquín; Aller Atucha, Juan Florencio; Signorini Porchiett, Marcelo Lisandro; Paolicchi, Fernando (Springer Nature, 2023-03)
      Campylobacter fetus is a gram-negative motile bacterium, with two subspecies relevant to cattle health: C. fetus subsp. venerealis (Cfv) and C. fetus subsp. fetus (Cff). Both subspecies are associated with reproductive ...
    • Bovine campylobacteriosis in heifer: pathogenesis study and insights in the conventional and molecular diagnosis in an experimental bovine model and field cases 

      Garcia, Juan Agustin; Farace, Pablo Daniel; Gioffre, Andrea; Romeo, Florencia; Verna, Andrea Elizabeth; Mendez, Maria Alejandra; Morsella, Claudia Graciela; Aller Atucha, Juan Florencio; Signorini Porchiett, Marcelo Lisandro; Paolicchi, Fernando (Springer Nature, 2024-02)
      Campylobacter fetus spp. is a bacterium associated to reproductive losses in cattle worldwide. It is a venereal infectious disease known as bovine campilobacteriosis, with high impact mainly in countries with extensive ...
    • Dictyocaulosis in cattle: Retrospective analysis of 20 outbreaks in Central Argentina 

      Ovelar, María Florencia; Canton, German Jose; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Lloberas, María Mercedes; Garcia, Juan Agustin (Elsevier, 2024-08)
      Bovine lungworms (Dictyocaulus viviparus) are nematodes which cause a respiratory disease known as verminous bronchitis or pneumonia. In this paper, we describe 20 outbreaks of bovine dictyocaulosis recorded between 2000 ...
    • Infectious sporadic bovine abortions: retrospective analysis 

      Fiorentino, María Andrea; Acuña, Yamila; Sosa, Emiliano; Canton, German Jose; Erreguerena, Ignacio Antonio; Malena, Rosana Claudia; Mendez, Maria Alejandra; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Garcia, Juan Agustin (Springer Nature, 2024-03-01)
      Infectious sporadic abortions in cattle are mainly caused by opportunistic bacteria and fungi usually present in environmental or gastrointestinal and reproductive microbiota of healthy animals. A retrospective analysis ...
    • Neosporosis epidémica y endémica: descripción de dos eventos en bovinos para cría = Endemic and epidemic bovine neosporosis: description of two events in beef cattle 

      Calandra, Patricio M.; Di Matía, José M.; Cano, Dora Beatriz; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; García, Juan Agustín; Spath, Ernesto Juan; Odeon, Anselmo Carlos; Paolicchi, Fernando; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Campero, Carlos Manuel; Moore, Prando Dadin (Elsevier, 2014-12)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es describir dos eventos producidos en la provincia de Buenos Aires en los cuales Neospora caninum estuvo asociado a la ocurrencia de abortos en bovinos de cría para carne. En uno de ellos se ...
    • Pollen beetle (Astylus atromaculatus)-associated gastroenteric disease in cattle: report of 6 natural outbreaks 

      Garcia, Juan Agustin; Livio, Juan; Matto, Carolina; Dutra, Fernando; Scioli, Maria Valeria; Giannitti, Federico; Langston, James; Poppenga, Robert; Canton, German Jose; Uzal, Francisco (SAGE Publications, 2023-11-29)
      Astylus atromaculatus is a pollen beetle native to South America, commonly found in crop flowers. Experimental intoxication of sheep and guinea pigs by this beetle resulting in fibrinonecrotizing enteritis has been reported. ...
    • Retrospective analysis of cattle poisoning in Argentina (2000-2013) 

      García, Juan Agustín; Canton, German Jose; Spath, Ernesto Juan; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Garcia, Bernardo L.; Micheloud, Juan Francisco; Campero, Carlos Manuel (2017)
      A retrospective analysis (2000 to 2013) of cattle poisoning caused by toxic plants and other compounds was carried out in the Pampas region of Argentina by the Animal Health Group of INTA-EEA, Balcarce. During this period, ...
    • Salmonellosis in adult cattle in Central Argentina: case series 

      Azaldegui, Ignacio; Fiorentino, María Andrea; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Garcia, Juan Agustin; Canton, German Jose (Springer, 2024-06-18)
      Salmonellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria belonging to the Salmonella genus. Bovine salmonellosis is more frequent in young cattle under intensive overcrowd husbandry conditions, and therefore uncommon in ...
    • Solanum glaucophyllum intoxication in goats: Case study 

      Barale, Joaquín; Ovelar, Florencia; Lázaro, Fermín; Scioli, Maria Valeria; Canton, German Jose; Garcia, Juan Agustin (Elsevier, 2024-05-27)
      Solanum glaucophyllum is a toxic plant with calcinogenic effect that causes enzootic calcinosis (EC) characterized by soft tissue metastatic mineralization mainly in cattle and rarely sheep, buffaloes, pigs, horses, and ...
    • Tissular distribution of argentinean strains of bovine herpesvirus type 4 (BoHV-4) in experimentally-infected calves 

      Morán, Pedro Edgardo; Pérez, Sandra Elizabet; García, Jorge Pablo; Castro, Alejandra Nelly Cristina; Sppeter, Lucas Maximiliano; Odeon, Anselmo Carlos; Verna, Andrea Elizabeth (2017)
      Although bovine herpesvirus type 4 (BoHV-4) is primarily associated with reproductive disorders of cattle, it can produce a variety of clinical signs. To determine the distribution, the presence and type of microscopic ...