Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Importance of human capital, field knowledge and experience to improve pest locust management 

      Gay, Pierre-Emmanuel; Trumper, Eduardo Victor; Lecoq, Michel; Piou, Cyril (2021-07-27)
      BACKGROUND: A poorly organised risk management system may dysfunction when used. The consequences can be dramatic for those supposed to be protected. Since the 1960s, preventive control strategies, with field officers as ...
    • Plagas en granos almacenados 

      Ferraris, María Noel; Cativelli, Mariana; Martinez, Jose Luis (AER Villa María, INTA, 2021-04-27)
      Durante el almacenamiento de los granos se pueden presentar diversos factores que deterioran la calidad de los mismos, entre ellos, los insectos-plaga ocupan el primer lugar en importancia. Las plagas que afectan a los ...