• Soil organic carbon in cropping sequences with predominance of soya bean in the argentinean humid Pampas 

      Martinez, Juan Pablo; Crespo, Cecilia; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo; Studdert, Guillermo; Martinez, Fernando Gabriel; Cordone, Graciela; Barbieri, Pablo (Wiley, 2020-01)
      Soya bean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) monoculture can lead to a decrease in labile fractions of soil organic carbon (SOC). This study sought to evaluate the effects of cover crops (CC), application of fertilizer, and crop ...
    • Una sola salud: la interdisciplina como base para los diseños tecnológicos 

      Murillo, Natalia Lorena; Palioff Nosal, Claudia Alejandra (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce, INTA, 2021-09)
      Los últimos brotes del virus del Nilo Occidental, Ébola, SARS, la viruela del mono, la enfermedad de las vacas locas, la influenza aviar e incluso la pandemia ocasionada por el SARSCOV- 2 en 2020, han puesto de manifiesto ...
    • Solanum glaucophyllum intoxication in goats: Case study 

      Barale, Joaquín; Ovelar, Florencia; Lázaro, Fermín; Scioli, Maria Valeria; Canton, German Jose; Garcia, Juan Agustin (Elsevier, 2024-05-27)
      Solanum glaucophyllum is a toxic plant with calcinogenic effect that causes enzootic calcinosis (EC) characterized by soft tissue metastatic mineralization mainly in cattle and rarely sheep, buffaloes, pigs, horses, and ...
    • ¿Son los envases vacíos de fitosanitarios un problema ambiental? 

      Martens, Silvia Fanny (Ediciones INTA, 2016)
      Los envases vacíos de fitosanitarios siguen siendo en nuestro país una problemática necesaria de abordar. Este trabajo presenta, describe y analiza algunos elementos necesarios de conocer para definir un sistema de gestión ...
    • Sorghum biomass yield and allocation as affected by the combination of photoperiod sensitivity, sweet-stalk and brown midrib traits 

      Erbetta, Elisa; Echarte, Laura; Sanz Smachetti, María Eugenia; Gabbanelli, Nadia; Echarte, María Mercedes (Elsevier, 2024-01)
      Context or problem: Traits like photoperiod sensitivity, sweet-stalk and brown midrib (bmr) have been introgressed to increase the biomass yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) towards bioenergy yield ...
    • Soybean and wheat response to lime in no-till Argentinean mollisols 

      Barbieri, Pablo Andres; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo; Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene; Martínez, Juan Pablo (Elsevier, 2015-09)
      Crop production in Argentina has significantly increased over the past few years; this increase was consequence of better management practices which included P and N fertilization and, occasionally, S fertilization. Commonly ...
    • Soybean grain protein and oil differences between Argentine cropping areas: an on-farn sampling approach 

      Carpaneto, Barbara Bettina; Santos, Diego Jose; Accoroni, Cecilia; Mir, Leticia Raquel; Chialvo, Eugenia; Magnano, Luciana; Conde, María Belén; Enrico, Juan Martin; Zelaya, Daniela Karina (Donau Soja, 2023-09-21)
      Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is the most important crop in Argentina. It grows in different types of environments along the national area, considering an ample latitudinal range (-21°S to -55°) and different crop ...
    • Soybean shows an attenuated nitrogen dilution curve irrespective of maturity group and sowing date 

      Divito, Guillermo Adrián; Echeverria, Hernan Eduardo; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Sadras, Victor Oscar (2016-02-01)
      It is generally accepted that the nitrogen (N) dilution curves relating shoot nitrogen concentration (%N) and shoot biomass (W) are similar among genotypes from the same species. However, differences in the pattern of ...
    • Spatial and temporal variation in the migration of Ruddy-headed Goose in southern South America using satellite tagging 

      Pedrana, Julieta; Putz, Klemens; Bernad, Lucía; Muñoz, Sebastián Darío; Gorosabel, Antonella; Castresana, Gabriel; Leiss, Alejandro; Seco Pan, Juan Pablo (Cambridge University Press, 2020-04-30)
      Ruddy-headed Goose Chloephaga rubidiceps is the smallest of the five South American sheldgeese and has two separate populations: one sedentary, which resides in the Malvinas/Falkland Islands and one migratory that overwinters ...
    • Spatial–temporal trends and economic losses associated with bovine abortifacients in central Argentina 

      Canton, German Jose; Moreno, Fabiana Carina; Fiorentino, María Andrea; Hecker, Yanina; Spetter, Lucas Maximiliano; Fiorani, Franco; Monterubbianesi, María Gloria; Garcia, Juan Angel; González Altamiranda, Erika; Cirone, Karina Mariela; Louge Uriarte, Enrique Leopoldo; Verna, Andrea Elizabeth; Marin, Maia; Cheuquepan Valenzuela, Felipe Andres; Malena, Rosana Claudia; Morsella, Claudia Graciela; Paolicchi, Fernando; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Moore, Prando Dadin (Springer, 2022-07-30)
      The aims of this work are, firstly, to provide the geolocalization of cases of bovine abortion with definitive diagnosis and, secondly, to estimate the economic losses due to the most frequent abortifacients diagnosed ...
    • SPG del Sudeste Bonaerense: desafíos y aprendizajes de una experiencia en marcha 

      Etcheverriborde, María Alejandra; Cendon, Maria Laura; Bruno, Mariana Paola; Rodriguez, Julieta Alejandra (Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, 2023-11)
      En el marco de un proyecto de extensión universitaria, en el año 2021 surgió el Sistema Participativo de Garantía del Sudeste Bonaerense. El 17 de mayo de 2023 se llevó a cabo un encuentro-taller entre sus integrantes con ...
    • Spike architecture traits associated with type II resistance to fusarium head blight in bread wheat 

      Franco, Maria Fiorella; Lori, G.; Cendoya, Maria Gabriela; Alonso, Maria Pía; Panelo, Juan Sebastián; Malbrán, I.; Mirabella, Nadia Estefania; Pontaroli, Ana Clara (Springer, 2021-11-05)
      Fusarium head blight (FHB) remains a devastating disease in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Genetic resistance to FHB is complex; aside from active physiological resistance, plant developmental and morphological traits ...
    • Spongy Myelinopathy in Newborn Beef Calves Associated with Consumption of Corn Infected with Stenocarpella maydis 

      Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Armién, Aníbal G.; Cora Ibarra, Juan Facundo; Llada, Ignacio M.; Erreguerena, Ignacio Antonio; Hecker, Yanina; Odeon, Anselmo Carlos; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Canton, German Jose (Elsevier, 2019-10)
      Stillbirth and perinatal mortality with neurological signs and lesions were diagnosed in two calves following ingestion by their dams of corn infected with Stenocarpella maydis during the third trimester of gestation. ...
    • Spontaneous outbreak of Pascalia glauca poisoning in sheep in Argentina 

      Liboreiro, Matías; Flores Olivares, Carlos; Armendano, Joaquín Ignacio; Schild, Carlos; Fernandez, Eduardo Luján; Odriozola, Ernesto Raul; Morrell, Eleonora Lidia; Canton, German Jose (Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology, 2021-04-22)
      Pascalia glauca is a native weed and one of the most common hepatotoxic plant affecting cattle in Argentina. Although experimental P. glauca poisoning have been reported in sheep, no spontaneous cases have been reported ...
    • Stand density management diagrams of Eucalyptus Viminalis: predicting stem volume, biomass and canopy cover for different production purposes 

      Gyenge, Javier; Lupi, Ana Maria; Ferrere, Paula; Milione, Germán Marcelo; Martinez Meier, Alejandro; Caballe, Gonzalo; Dominguez Daguer, Diego; Fernandez, María Elena (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2019-12-13)
      Stand density management diagrams (SDMD) provide a guide for forest density management taking into account stands attributes such as trees´ diameter or volume. One of the most common species planted in Pampean plains of ...
    • Standard methods for fungal brood disease research = Métodos estándar para la investigación de enfermedades fúngicas de la cría 

      Jensen, Annette Bruun; Aronstein, Kathrine; Flores, José Manuel; Vojvodic, Svjetlana; Palacio, María Alejandra; Spivak, Marla (Taylor & Francis, 2013)
      Chalkbrood and stonebrood are two fungal diseases associated with honey bee brood. Chalkbrood, caused by Ascosphaera apis, is a common and widespread disease that can result in severe reduction of emerging worker bees and ...
    • State of knowledge in tiller dynamics 

      Matthew, Cory; Agnusdei, Monica Graciela; Assuero, Silvia Graciela; Sbrissia, André F.; Scheneiter, Jorge Omar; Silva, Sila C. da (University of Kentucky, 2013)
      Persistence of sown pastures is a concern for pastoral production worldwide. Fundamentally, when a pasture does not persist the problem can be expressed in terms of inadequate new tiller production or excessive tiller ...
    • Storage of WDGS under hermetic and non-hermetic conditions : effect on sensory properties, microorganisms, mycotoxins and nutritional value. 

      Alvarez, Estefanía; Cardoso, Marcelo Leandro; Depetris, Gustavo; Castellari, Claudia Carla; Cristos, Diego Sebastian; Montiel, María Delfina; Bartosik, Ricardo Enrique (Elsevier, 2019-01)
      WDGS production in Argentina substantially increased in the last 5 years and become a frequent constituent for feed diets. However, due to the extremely high moisture content of the product, quality deterioration occurs ...
    • Storing soybeans (Glycine max) in silo bags: economic outcomes and grain loss risk 

      Urcola, Hernan Alejandro; Bartosik, Ricardo Enrique (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2020-12-01)
      Silo bags have the potential to increase grain marketing efficiency and to give farmers additional bargaining power. However, silo bags are prone to tearing that can cause grain losses. This article assesses the economic ...
    • Stover biogas potential of corn crops grown under contrasting water availability and nitrogen supply 

      Erbetta, Elisa; Echarte, Laura; Rodríguez Elizagaray, Consuelo; Depetris, Gustavo; Gabbanelli, Nadia; Echarte, María Mercedes (Elsevier, 2020-12-31)
      Corn stover is a biogas feedstock capable of enhancing agriculture bioenergy potential. Although the influence of growing conditions on biogas yield of corn stover has been reported, the joint effects of water and nitrogen ...