• Global Invader Impact Network (GIIN): toward standardized evaluation of the ecological impacts of invasive plants 

      Barney, Jacob N.; Tekiela, Daniel R.; Barrios Garcia Moar, Maria Noelia; Dimarco, Romina Daniela; Hufbauer, Ruth A.; Leipzig-Scott, Peter; Nuñez, Martin Andrés; Pauchard, Anibal; Pysek, Petr; Viıtkov, Michaela; Maxwell, Bruce D. (2015-07)
      Terrestrial invasive plants are a global problem and are becoming ubiquitous components of most ecosystems. They are implicated in altering disturbance regimes, reducing biodiversity, and changing ecosystem function, ...
    • Guía de recomendaciones para el monitoreo y el control de la Tucura Sapo 

      Medina, Héctor; Massola, María Paula; Zembo, Evangelina; Verdejo, Alejandra; Schiappacassi, Marcela; Azzaro, Francisco; Cienfuegos, María Soledad; Sanchez, Marcia; Armento, Franco; Mariottini, Yanina; Fernandez Arhex, Valeria Cristina; Bobadilla, Segundo Evaristo; Bobadilla, Walter; Binda, Sergio; Nápoli, Nestor; Camiña, Diana; Torres, Sergio (SENASA, 2020-09)
      En el marco de la Emergencia Fitosanitaria por la plaga tucura sapo (Bufonacris claraziana Saussure) –declarada en las provincias de Chubut, Río Negro y Santa Cruz- y de la necesidad de realizar tareas de monitoreo y ...
    • Gustatory responsiveness in Vespula germanica workers: exploring the interplay between sensory perception and task specialization 

      Mattiacci, Analia; Mengoni Goñalons, Carolina; Masciocchi, Maite; Corley, Juan Carlos (Wiley, 2023-08-03)
      Workers’ task specialization and division of labor are critical features of social insects’ ecological success. It has been proposed that the division of labor relies on response threshold models: individuals varying their ...
    • Invasions: the trail behind, the path ahead, and a test of a disturbing idea 

      Moles, Angela; Flores Moreno, Habacuc; Bonser, Stephen P.; Warton, David I.; Helm, Aveliina; Warman, Laura; Eldridge, David J.; Jurado, Enrique; Hemmings, Frank A.; Reich, Peter B.; Cavender Bares, Jeannine; Seabloom, Eric William; Mayfield, Margaret M.; Sheil, Douglas; Djietror, Jonathan C.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Enrico, Lucas; Cabido, Marcelo Ruben; Setterfield, Samantha; Lehman, Caroline; Thomson, Fiona (Wiley, 2012-01)
      We provide a brief overview of progress in our understanding of introduced plant species. Three main conclusions emerge from our review: (i) Many lines of research, including the search for traits that make species good ...
    • Invasión de Hieracium pilosella L. en pastizales de Tierra del Fuego 

      Rauber, Ruth Bibiana (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2014-07)
      El principal objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los patrones a distintas escalas de la invasión reciente de la especie vegetal Hieracium pilosella, una maleza exótica común en pastizales templado-fríos. A partir de un ...
    • Invasive Insects in Forest Plantations of Argentina: Ecological Patterns and Implications for Management 

      Corley, Juan Carlos; Villacide, Jose Maria; Lantschner, Maria Victoria (Springer Nature, 2020-02)
      Since the dawn of modern agriculture, humans have selected a few several species from the immense diversity nature has to offer, resulting in the same species being cultivated in very different countries and regions. Crops ...
    • Landscape variables influence over active restoration strategies of Nothofagus forests degraded by invasive Castor canadensis in Tierra del Fuego 

      Martinez Pastur, Guillermo José; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Henn, Jonathan J.; Peri, Pablo Luis (MDPI, 2021-07-06)
      North American beavers (Castor canadensis) are responsible for the major changes in the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago, altering riparian forests for the long-term. Passive restoration of the areas affected was ineffective ...
    • Long-term coexistence of two invasive vespid wasps in NW Patagonia (Argentina) 

      Pereira, Ana Julia; Masciocchi, Maite; Corley, Juan Carlos (Springer, 2022-07-03)
      In Patagonia (Argentina) two non-native vespid wasps became established in the last decades. Vespula germanica was first detected in 1980, while V. vulgaris arrived some 30 years later. Both species can have a strong ...
    • Manejo silvopastoril con acacia negra 

      Ferrer, José Luis; Minetti, Esteban; Pittau, Juan Ignacio (EEA Concepción del Uruguay, INTA, 2024-04)
      La Acacia negra (Gleditsia triacanthos) es una especie arbórea introducida a nuestro país a principios del siglo XIX. En su lugar de origen, los Estados Unidos, convive con otros árboles en los bosques, pero en Argentina ...
    • Manual de Indicadores para Monitoreo de Planes Prediales de Manejo de Bosque con Ganadería Integrada – MBGI Región Patagónica 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Rusch, Veronica Elena; Von Müller, Axel; Varela, Santiago Agustin; Quinteros, Claudia Pamela; Martinez Pastur, Guillermo José (INTA-MAyDS, 2021-05)
      El presente informe presenta los indicadores MBGI a una escala predial para la región Patagónica, y propone una metodología para la toma de información y posterior análisis de los indicadores. En un proceso participativo, ...
    • Monitoring and Surveillance of Forest Insects 

      Brockerhoff, Eckehard G.; Corley, Juan Carlos; Jactel, Herve; Miller, Daniel R.; Rabaglia, Robert J.; Sweeney, Jon (Springer, 2023-06)
      Monitoring of insect populations is widely used in forest entomology in the context of biodiversity studies, as an aspect of pest management, and for the detection and surveillance of non-native invasive species. In ...
    • Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions 

      Delavaux, Camille S.; Crowther, Thomas W.; Zohner, Constantin M.; Robmann, Niamh M.; Lauber, Thomas; van den Hoogen, Johan; Kuebbing, Sara; Liang, Jingjing; de-Miguel, Sergio; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Peri, Pablo Luis; Maynard, Daniel S. (Springer Nature, 2023-09)
      Determining the drivers of non-native plant invasions is critical for managing native ecosystems and limiting the spread of invasive species1,2. Tree invasions in particular have been relatively overlooked, even though ...
    • Predation by invasive rainbow trout on the critically endangered Pehuenche Spiny‐chest Frog 

      Zarco, Agustín; Corbalán, Valeria; Debandi, Guillermo Oscar (Wiley, 2020-11)
      The Pehuenche Spiny‐chest Frog Alsodes pehuenche is an endemic species from the Andes of Argentina and Chile and is considered to be Critically Endangered. Its population has been declining over the last ten years, principally ...
    • Reserva provincial de Punta Gruesa, Santa Cruz: base para su conservación y manejo 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Ormaechea, Sebastián Gabriel; Monelos, Lucas H.; Paz, Franco; Gargaglione, Veronica Beatriz; Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Alvarado, Cristian; Gaitán, Fabián; Beroiz, Mario; Mattenet, Francisco Javier; Mayo, Juan Pablo; Pesin, Christian (Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable (SAyDS) de Nación-INTA, 2012)
      La Reserva Provincial Punta Gruesa (Meseta de Latorre, zona de 28 de Noviembre, Santa Cruz) fue creada a través de la promulgación de la Ley Nº 2637 del año 2002, de acuerdo a los términos de la Ley Nº 786. Si bien en el ...
    • Should tree invasions be used in treeless ecosystems to mitigate climate change? 

      Nuñez, Martin Andrés; Davis, Kimberley T.; Dimarco, Romina Daniela; Peltzer, Duane A.; Paritsis, Juan; Maxwell, Bruce D.; Pauchard, Aníbal (The Ecological Society of America, 2021)
      Intentionally allowing or promoting invasion by non-native trees into areas characterized by treeless vegetation could contribute to climate-change mitigation by increasing carbon (C) sequestration. In some areas of the ...
    • Sistema de monitoreo predial MBGI (Manejo de Bosques con Ganadería Integrada) en bosques de ñire de la provincia de Santa Cruz 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Alberti, Ayelén; Mattenet, Francisco Javier; Huertas, Leonardo Martin; Monelos, Lucas H.; Mónaco, Martín H. (EEA Santa Cruz, INTA, 2021-04)
      El presente informe presenta los resultados de la instalación de indicadores MBGI a una escala predial para la provincia de Santa Cruz. Para esto se tomó como base los indicadores de monitoreo a escala predial obtenido en ...
    • The Ambrosia Beetle Megaplatypus mutatus: A Threat to Global Broad-Leaved Forest Resources 

      Ceriani Nakamurakare, Esteban; Robles, Carolina; González-Audino, Paola; Dolinko, Andrés; Mc Cargo, Patricia; Corley, Juan Carlos; Allison, Jeremy; Carmarán, Cecilia (Entomological Society of America, 2022-08)
      We provide scientists and decision-makers with up-to-date information on Megaplatypus mutatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), a forest insect native to South America that has invaded other regions. Emphasis is ...
    • Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients 

      Haider, Sylvia; Lembrechts, Jonas J.; McDougall, Keith; Pauchard, Aníbal; Alexander, Jake M.; Barros, Agustina; Cavieres, Lohengrin A.; Rashid, Irfan; Rew, Lisa J.; Aleksanyan, Alla; Dimarco, Romina Daniela; Seipel, Tim (Wiley, 2022-02)
      Climate change and other global change drivers threaten plant diversity in mountains worldwide. A widely documented response to such environmental modifications is for plant species to change their elevational ranges. Range ...
    • Unintended consequences of planting native and non-native trees in treeless ecosystems to mitigate climate change 

      Moyano, Jaime; Dimarco, Romina Daniela; Paritsis, Juan; Peterson, Tess; Peltzer, Duane A.; Crawford, Kerri M.; McCary, Matthew A.; Davis, Kimberley T.; Pauchard, Aníbal; Nuñez, Martin Andrés (Wiley, 2024-03)
      Naturally treeless ecosystems are being replaced by native and non-native trees worldwide, often through deliberate afforestation using forestry tree species. By introducing species having novel traits, such as relatively ...