• Buffel Grass Cenchrus ciliaris L. 

      Grunberg, Karina; Griffa, Sabrina Mariana (EEA Marcos Juárez, INTA, 2021-12)
      Es una gramínea forrajera utilizada para el ganado bovino, ovino y caprino, de importancia económica en las regiones áridas y semiáridas del mundo, incluyendo al Norte y Noroeste Argentino.
    • Actividad sobre Economía circular y uso de residuos de cosecha de cultivos hortícolas 

      Meneguzzi, Natalia; Mitidieri, Mariel Silvina (EEA San Pedro, INTA, 2022)
      El 5 de mayo de 2021 se realizó una actividad interna entorno al uso de residuos de cosecha como enmiendas o biofumigantes. La actividad fue planificada de manera que todos los participantes tuvieron la oportunidad de ...
    • Virosis en zapallito de tronco 

      Perotto, Maria Cecilia (EEA San Pedro, INTA, 2022)
      Las principales virosis que afectan al zapallito redondo son las producidas por virus del género Potyvirus. Hay 4 especies de este grupo presentes en Argentina, estos son: Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), Zucchini yellow ...
    • Morphological and molecular characterization, pathogenicity and sexual reproduction of Ascochyta rabiei isolates of chickpea fields in Argentina 

      Crociara, Clara Sonia; Valetti, Lucio; Bernanrdi Lima, Nelson; Iglesias, Juliana; Pastor, Silvina (Wiley, 2022-01)
      Ascochyta blight is one of the most devastating foliar diseases of chickpea. The causal agent, Ascochyta rabiei, is a heterothallic ascomycete and its sexual reproduction depends on the proximate presence of both mating ...
    • Screening of chickpea germplasm for Ascochyta blight resistance under controlled environment 

      Pastor, Silvina Estela; Crociara, Clara Sonia; Valetti, Lucio; Peña Malavera, Andrea; Fekete, Ana Cecilia; Allende, María José; Carreras, Julia (Springer, 2022-01-13)
      Chickpea is the third most important grain legume in the world after common bean and pea. Ascochyta blight (AB) of chickpea, caused by Ascochyta rabiei, is the most damaging disease of this crop worldwide. Losses may reach ...
    • Influencia de un complejo viral en rendimiento y contenido de clorofila de dos variedades de batata 

      Bruxmann, Erik Germán; Vilanova Perez, Antonella; Lopez Colomba, Eliana; Suasnabar, Ramon Rodolfo; Luque, Andres Vicente; Araujo Vieira de Souza, J.C.; Di Feo, Liliana Del Valle (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2022-02-11)
      Las virosis son la principal limitante del rendimiento de batata, quinto cultivo alimenticio del mundo. En Argentina, el “encrespamiento amarillo” (EA), complejo viral con siete agentes involucrados, causa notables pérdidas ...
    • Phytophthora Root Rot: Importance of the Disease, Current and Novel Methods of Control 

      Giachero, María Lorena; Declerck, Stéphane; Marquez, Nathalie (MDPI, 2022-02-28)
      Phytophthora sojae is a pathogen of major agricultural importance, responsible for Phytophthora root rot (PRR) in soybean crops, which can cause significant yield losses each year. The severity of the disease depends on ...
    • Soybean responseto initial stage of Fusarium virguliforme infection 

      Giachero, María Lorena; Marquez, Nathalie; Ortega, Leandro Ismael; Ducasse, Daniel Adrian (BioRxiv, 2022-03-07)
      Fusarium virguliforme causes the Sudden Death Syndrome, an important disease in soybean crops. In this work, we investigated the defensive response mechanisms in soybean root, at cell wall level, during F. virguliforme ...
    • Differential response of maize hybrids to field infection with Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin accumulation in the Chaco Semi-arid region of Argentina 

      Barontini, Javier Miguel; Alaniz Zanon, Maria Silvina; Druetta, Marcelo Alberto; Ruiz Posse, Agustina María; Torrico Ramallo, Ada Karina; Monge, María del Pilar; Candela, Raúl Esteban; Chulze, Sofía Noemí; Gimenez, Maria De La Paz (Elsevier, 2022-03-08)
      Maize is affected by Aspergillus flavus and by the contamination of its kernels with aflatoxins, of which AFB1 is the most important. The Chaco Semi-arid is a region of Argentina in which the climate conditions increase ...
    • Quantifying the negative impact of clinical diseases on productive and reproductive performance of dairy cows in central Argentina 

      Masia, F.; Molina, G.; Vissio, Claudina; Balzarini, Mónica Graciela; De la Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel; Piccardi, Mónica Belén (Elsevier, 2022-03-15)
      In dairy herds, cattle experience different health disorders, and their occurrence during lactation may cause important economic losses. The systematic analysis of productive and health records allows us to identify the ...
    • Synthetic Communities of Bacterial Endophytes to Improve the Quality and Yield of Legume Crops 

      Monteoliva, Mariela Ines; Valetti, Lucio; Taurian, Tania; Crociara, Clara Sonia; Guzzo, María Carla (IntechOpen, 2022-03-31)
      Plant-associated microbiomes confer fitness advantages to the plant host by growth promotion through different mechanisms including nutrient uptake, phytohormones production, resistance to pathogens, and stress tolerance. ...
    • Virus del mosaico estriado del trigo (wheat streak mosaic virus, wsmv) en Argentina: detecciones en la campaña 2021 y medidas de prevención para 2022 

      Alemandri, Vanina Maria; Couretot, Lucrecia Alejandra; Montoya, Marina Rosa; Alberione, Enrique Javier; Bainotti, Carlos Tomas; Formento, Angela Norma; Lanzillotta, Juan Jose; Garcia Montenegro, Brenda Emiliana; Robledo, R. (IPAVE - CIAP, INTA, 2022-04-05)
      Durante la campaña triguera 2021 se presentaron numerosas consultas en distintas regiones productoras sobre síntomas de amarillamiento foliar con sospecha de virosis. Este informe presenta los resultados de las detecciones ...
    • Bottom-up effect of nitrogen fertilization on the density of the corn leafhopper and its impact on both disease incidence and natural parasitism 

      Virla, Eduardo G.; Luft Albarracín, Erica B.; Díaz, Cecilia; Van Nieuwenhove, Guido A.; Fernandez, Franco Daniel; Coll Aráoz, María V.; Melchert, Nicolás A.; Conci, Luis Rogelio; Gimenez, Maria De La Paz (Springer, 2022-04-15)
      The corn leafhopper Dalbulus maidis is a specialist herbivore that attacks maize in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. It is the vector of three relevant plant pathogens that are responsible for severe ...
    • Caracterización de Aspergillus flavus aislados de espigas de maíz en Santiago del Estero y regiones colindantes 

      Barontini, Javier Miguel (Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2022-05-02)
      El maíz (Zea mays L.) es uno de los cultivos con mayor superficie sembrada en el mundo y Argentina se encuentra entre los líderes mundiales en producción y exportación. La región formada por la Provincia de Santiago del ...
    • Mycoparasitic Trichoderma isolates as a biocontrol agent against Valsa ceratosperma, the causal agent of apple valsa canker 

      Valetti, Lucio; Bernanrdi Lima, Nelson; Cazon, Luis Ignacio; Crociara, Clara Sonia; Ortega, Leandro Ismael; Pastor, Silvina Estela (Springer, 2022-05-27)
      Apple valsa canker, caused by the fungus Valsa ceratosperma, is one of the most destructive diseases of this crop. Conventional fungicide treatments are not effective enough; therefore, it is necessary to develop alternatives ...
    • Ultraestructura de órganos de áfidos asociados a la transmisión de fitopatógenos 

      Trucco, Veronica Milagros; Castellanos Collazo, Onias; Cabrera Mederos, Dariel; Giolitti, Fabian; Romani, R. (Asociación Argentina de Microscopía (SAMIC), 2022-06-08)
      Los pulgones (o áfidos) están posicionados como una de las principales plagas de cultivos agrícolas debido a su alto potencial para ocasionar pérdidas económicas en los cultivos, su alta tasa reproductiva, y por ser el ...
    • First report of Xanthomonas prunicola causing bacterial leaf streaks on wheat in Argentina 

      Martino, Julia Andrea; Fernandez, Franco Daniel; Pozzi, Elizabeth Alicia; Alberione, Enrique Javier; Bainotti, Carlos Tomas; Marquez, Nathalie; Tolocka, Patricia; Salines, Nicolas; Gomez, Dionisio Tomas; Donaire, Guillermo Manuel; Conci, Luis Rogelio; Alemandri, Vanina Maria (American Phytopathological Society, 2022-06-13)
      Since 2018, bacterial-like symptoms, such as leaf streaks were observed on wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) in Córdoba province in Argentina, with 1 to 5% of disease incidence. Samples of wheat stem and spike collected ...
    • Exploring the tymovirales landscape through metatranscriptomics data 

      Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Debat, Humberto Julio (Springer, 2022-06-16)
      Tymovirales is an order of viruses with positive-sense RNA genomes that mostly infect plants, but also fungi and insects. The number of genome sequences of viruses that could fit this taxon has been growing in the last few ...
    • ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Rhabdoviridae 2022 

      Walker, Peter J.; Freitas-Astúa, Juliana; Bejerman, Nicolas Esteban; Blasdell, Kim R.; Breyta, Rachel; Dietzgen, Ralf G.; Fooks, Anthony R; Kondo, Hideki; Kurath, Gael; Kuzmin, Ivan V.; Whitfield, Anna E. (Microbiology Society, 2022-06-20)
      The family Rhabdoviridae comprises viruses with negative-sense (−) RNA genomes of 10–16 kb. Virions are typically enveloped with bullet-shaped or bacilliform morphology but can also be non-enveloped filaments. Rhabdoviruses ...
    • Monitoreo e infectividad natural de insectos vectores del Mal de Río Cuarto Virus (MRCV) en lotes de avena de Córdoba y La Pampa. año 2020 y 2021 

      Dumon, Analia Delina; Mattio, Maria Fernanda; Bariles, J.; Pereyra, N.; Torrico Ramallo, Ada Karina; Ruiz Posse, Agustina María; Donadio, Horacio Raul; Genero, Marcela Iris; Franz, Nestor Osvaldo; Denegri, David; Albarracin, Jorge Omar; Corro Molas, Andres Ezequiel; Guillot Giraudo, Walter; Figueruelo, Andrea Mariana; Moschini, Ricardo; Canale, Alejandra; Gimenez, Maria De La Paz; Salomon, Anibal Alejandro (IPAVE - CIAP, INTA, 2022-07-01)
      En el marco del Proyecto Local-INTA-PL333, cuyo objetivo general es “Implementar un Sistema Alerta Temprana de MRC que aporte información validada para la toma de decisiones de los productores de la zona maicera central”, ...