• Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin induces permanent neuronal degeneration and behavioral changes 

      Morris, Winston Eduardo; Goldstein, Jorge; Redondo, Leandro Martí­n; Cangelosi, Adriana; Geoghegan, Patricia; Brocco, Marcela Adriana; Loidl, Fabián C.; Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique (2017-05)
      Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin (ETX), the most potent toxin produced by this bacteria, plays a key role in the pathogenesis of enterotoxaemia in ruminants, causing brain edema and encephalomalacia. Studies of animals ...
    • Clostridium perfringens type E virulence traits involved in gut colonization 

      Redondo, Leandro Martín; Diaz Carrasco, Juan María; Redondo, Enzo Alejandro; Delgado, Fernando Oscar; Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique (PLOS, 2015-03-23)
      Clostridium perfringens type E disease in ruminants has been characterized by hemorrhagic enteritis or sudden death. Although type E isolates are defined by the production of alpha and iota toxin, little is known about the ...
    • Effects of Clostridium perfringens iota toxin in the small intestine of mice 

      Redondo, Leandro Martin; Redondo, Enzo Alejandro; Dailoff, Gabriela Cecilia; Leiva, Carlos; Diaz Carrasco, Juan Maria; Bruzzone, Octavio Augusto; Cangelosi, Adriana; Geoghegan, Patricia; Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique (2017-12)
      Iota toxin is a binary toxin solely produced by Clostridium perfringens type E strains, and is structurally related to CDT from C. difficile and CST from C. spiroforme. As type E causes hemorrhagic enteritis in cattle, it ...
    • Enteritis hemorrágica en un equino atribuida a Clostridium perfringens tipo A. 

      Robles, Carlos Alejandro; Paván, María Elisa; Chapero, Claudio; Marcellino, Romanela; Cairó, Fabián A.; Mignaqui, Ana Clara (Veterinaria Argentina S.R.L., 2016-06)
      La muerte de equinos con cuadros clínicos de cólico es frecuente, especialmente en animales estabulados y con fines deportivos. Sin embargo, al ser muy bajo el porcentaje de animales que son necropsiados y muestreados, la ...
    • An experimental reproduction of necrotic enteritis In broiler chickens 

      Redondo, Leandro Martí­n; Redondo, Enzo Alejandro; Delgado, Fernando Oscar; La Sala, Luciano Francisco; Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique (2016)
      Clostridium perfringens is the main causative agent of avian necrotic enteritis (NE), an enteric infectious disease considered among the most important diseases in the poultry industry. Currently, there are numerous reports ...
    • Isolation and molecular characterization of Clostridium perfringens from healthy Merino lambs in Patagonia region, Argentina 

      Mignaqui, Ana Clara; Marcellino, Romanela; Pappalardo, Juan Sebastián; Robles, Carlos Alejandro; Ronco, T.; Nonnemann, B.; Pedersen, K. (2016)
      The presence and molecular characterization of Clostridium perfringens in healthy Merino lambs over a six-month period was investigated in this study. Overall, a high prevalence of C. perfringens was detected, even in ...