Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 234

    • Positive feedbacks and alternative stable states in forest leaf types 

      Zou, Yibiao; Zohner, Constantin M.; Averill, Colin; Ma, Haozhi; Merder, Julian; Berdugo, Miguel; Bialic-Murphy, Lalasia; Mo, Lidong; Brun, Philipp; Zimmermann, Niklaus E.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Crowther, Thomas W. (Springer Nature, 2024-05-31)
      The emergence of alternative stable states in forest systems has significant implications for the functioning and structure of the terrestrial biosphere, yet empirical evidence remains scarce. Here, we combine global forest ...
    • Different Approaches of Forest Type Classifications for Argentina Based on Functional Forests and Canopy Cover Composition by Tree Species 

      Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Loto, Dante; Rodríguez‑Souilla, Julián; Silveira, Eduarda M.O.; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Peri, Pablo Luis (MDPI, 2024-04-24)
      Modern forestry systems rely on typologies of forest types (FTs). In Argentina, several proposals have been developed, but they lack unified criteria. The objective was to compare different approaches, specifically focusing ...
    • Vegetation type mapping in Southern Patagonia and its relationship with ecosystem services, soil carbon stock, and biodiversity 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Gaitan, Juan José; Diaz, Boris Gaston; Almonacid, Leandro; Morales, Cristian Gabriel; Ferrer, Francisco; Lasagno, Romina Gisele; Rodríguez‑Souilla, Julián; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (MDPI, 2024-02-29)
      Vegetation Type (VT) mapping using Optical Earth observation data is essential for the management and conservation of natural resources, as well as for the evaluation of the supply of provisioning ecosystem services (ESs), ...
    • In vivo oral toxicity and antioxidant capacity of Nothofagus antarctica (G.Forst.) oerst (ñire) leaves 

      Hugo, Ayelén A.; Serradell, María De los Ángeles; Peri, Pablo Luis; Farina, Sebastián; Gomez-Zavaglia, Andrea (Taylor & Francis Group, 2024-01-04)
      Nothofagus antarctica (NA) is a native tree of Patagonia. Since ancient times, NA leaves were used in infusions for medical and food purposes, but there are no deep insights on its toxicity. The aim of this work was to ...
    • Global patterns and environmental drivers of forest functional composition 

      Bouchard, Elise; Searle, Eric B.; Drapeau, Pierre; Liang, Jingjing; Gamarra, Javier G.P.; Abegg, Meinrad; Alberti, Giorgio; Almeyda Zambrano, Angélica M.; Alvarez-Davila, Esteban; Alves, Luciana F.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Paquette, Alain (Wiley, 2024-02)
      To determine the relationships between the functional trait composition of forest communities and environmental gradients across scales and biomes and the role of species relative abundances in these relationships. Location: ...
    • Quality evaluation of Nothofagus pumilio seeds linked to forest management and climatic events 

      Rodríguez‑Souilla, Julián; Chaves, Jimena Elizabeth; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Roig Junent, Fidel Alejandro; Peri, Pablo Luis; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (Springer Nature, 2024-01-23)
      Forest ecosystems undergo significant transformations due to harvesting and climate fluctuations, emphasizing the critical role of seeding in natural regeneration and long‑term structural preservation. Climate change further ...
    • Anthropogenic Impacts Allowed for the Invasion of Understory Species, Affecting the Sustainability of Management Practices in Southern Patagonia 

      Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Peri, Pablo Luis; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian; Kappel Schmidt, Inger; Pechar, Sebastián; Barrera, Marcelo Daniel; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (MDPI, 2024-01-16)
      Forest management aims to preserve integrity and ecosystem resilience. Conservation and species invasion patterns must be determined in managed landscapes. The objectives of this study were to identify proxies that allowed ...
    • Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally 

      Smith, Melinda D.; Wilkins, Kate D.; Holdrege, Martin C.; Wilfahrt, Peter A.; Collins, Scott L.; Knapp, Alan K.; Sala, Osvaldo E.; Dukes, Jeffrey S.; Phillips, Richard P.; Yahdjian, Laura; Peri, Pablo Luis; Zuo, Xiaoan (National Academy of Sciences (Estados Unidos), 2024-01-08)
      Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of short-term (~1 y) drought events—the most common duration of drought—globally. Yet the impact of this intensification of drought on ecosystem functioning remains ...
    • Soil organic carbon stocks in native forest of Argentina: a useful surrogate for mitigation and conservation planning under climate variability 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Gaitan, Juan Jose; Mastrangelo, Matias Enrique; Nosetto, Marcelo Daniel; Villagra, Pablo Eugenio; Balducci, Ezequiel Diego; Pinazo, Martin Alcides; Eclesia, Roxana Paola; Von Wallis, Alejandra; Villarino, Sebastián; Alaggia, Francisco Guillermo; Gonzalez-Polo, Marina; Manrique, Silvana M.; Meglioli, Pablo A.; Rodríguez‑Souilla, Julián; Mónaco, Martín H.; Chaves, Jimena Elizabeth; Medina, Ariel; Gasparri, Ignacio; Alvarez Arnesi, Eugenio; Barral, María Paula; Von Müller, Axel; Pahr, Norberto Manuel; Uribe Echevarria, Josefina; Fernandez, Pedro Sebastian; Morsucci Labiano, Marina; Lopez, Dardo Ruben; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Alvarez, Leandro M.; Barberis, Ignacio Martín; Colomb, Hernán Pablo; La Manna, Ludmila; Barbaro, Sebastian Ernesto; Blundo, Cecilia; Sirimarco, Marina Ximena; Cavallero, Laura; Zalazar, Gualberto; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (Springer Nature, 2024-01-05)
      Background The nationally determined contribution (NDC) presented by Argentina within the framework of the Paris Agreement is aligned with the decisions made in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on ...
    • Mineral fertilization impacts microbial activity and endophytic fungi but not microbial biomass in semiarid grasslands 

      Toledo, Santiago; Gargaglione, Veronica Beatriz; Peri, Pablo Luis (Elsevier, 2024-01)
      Applications of mineral fertilizer to grasslands have become more frequent in recent decades to increase forage production. However, the impacts of mineral fertilizer on the soil microbiome is poorly understood in cold ...
    • Value of Biodiversity on Patagonian Rangeland: Estimation via a Hedonic Price Index 

      Duarte Guardia, Sandra; Peri, Pablo Luis; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Lasagno, Romina Gisele; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Thomas, Evert; Ladd, Brenton (Elsevier, 2024-01)
      Plant diversity has long been linked to an increase in ecosystem productivity and function, but concrete examples in which ecosystem services are linked to diversity at the scale at which management decisions are taken are ...
    • Producción de lechuga (Lactuca sativa) en hidroponía en sistema Indoor con luces artificiales = Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) production in hydroponics indoor system with artificial lights 

      Arregui, María Emilia; Gargaglione, Veronica Beatriz; Birgi, Jorge Alberto (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, 2023-12-21)
      En la localidad de Río Gallegos, el fotoperiodo disminuye en época invernal y lo torna limitante para la producción de hortícolas. Motivo por el cual, para obtener cultivos todo el año en esta zona, es necesario realizar ...
    • Nuevo registro del gato del pajonal grupo Leopardus colocola para el Chaco Seco de Argentina 

      Gattino, Laura G.; Gómez, Carlos; Peri, Pablo Luis; Coria, Rubén Darío; Ledesma, Roxana Ramona; Núñez Regueiro, Mauricio (Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos (SAREM), 2023-08-04)
      La distribución real del grupo Leopardus colocola en el Chaco argentino es poco conocida. Este registro surgió como parte de un monitoreo con trampas cámara de mamíferos nativos en el Chaco Seco Argentino en áreas con ...
    • Herbivory and nutrients shape grassland soil seed banks 

      Eskelinen, Anu; Jessen, Maria Theresa; Bahamonde, Hector Alejandro; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Caldeira, Maria C.; Harpole, William Stanley; Jia, Meiyu; Lannes, Luciola S.; Nogueira, Carla; Venterink, Harry Olde; Peri, Pablo Luis; Porath-Krause, Anita J.; Seabloom, Eric William; Schroeder, Katie; Tognetti, Pedro Maximiliano; Yasui, Simone-Louise E.; Virtanen, Risto; Sullivan, Lauren L. (Springer Nature, 2023-07-04)
      Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment and shifts in herbivory can lead to dramatic changes in the composition and diversity of aboveground plant communities. In turn, this can alter seed banks in the soil, which are cryptic ...
    • Potential biodiversity map of bird species (Passeriformes): Analyses of ecological niche, environmental characterization and identification of priority conservation areas in southern Patagonia 

      Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Peri, Pablo Luis; Benítez, Julieta; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Politi, Natalia; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (Elsevier, 2023-06)
      Different methodologies try to identify priority conservation areas (PCA) to improve habitat conservation and decrease human pressures over bird species at coarse-scale. Map of potential biodiversity (PB) can identify PCA ...
    • Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential 

      Mo, Lidong; Zohner, Constantin M.; Reich, Peter B.; Liang, Jingjing; de-Miguel, Sergio; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Renner, Susanne S.; van den Hoogen, Johan; Araza, Arnan; Herold, Martin; Peri, Pablo Luis; Crowther, Thomas W. (Springer Nature, 2023-12-07)
      Forests are a substantial terrestrial carbon sink, but anthropogenic changes in land use and climate have considerably reduced the scale of this system1. Remote-sensing estimates to quantify carbon losses from global ...
    • The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit 

      Ma, Haozhi; Crowther, Thomas W.; Mo, Lidong; Maynard,  Daniel S.; Renner, Susanne S.; van den Hoogen, Johan; Zou, Yibiao; Liang, Jingjing; de-Miguel, Sergio; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Peri, Pablo Luis; Zohner, Constantin M. (Springer Nature, 2023-11)
      Understanding what controls global leaf type variation in trees is crucial for comprehending their role in terrestrial ecosystems, including carbon, water and nutrient dynamics. Yet our understanding of the factors influencing ...
    • Nothing lasts forever: Dominant species decline under rapid environmental change in global grasslands 

      Wilfahrt, Peter A.; Seabloom, Eric William; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Biederman, Lori A.; Bugalho, Miguel N.; Cadotte, Marc W.; Caldeira, Maria C.; Catford, Jane A.; Chen, Qingqing; Donohue, Ian; Peri, Pablo Luis; Borer, Elizabeth T. (British Ecological Society, 2023-11)
      1. Dominance often indicates one or a few species being best suited for resource capture and retention in a given environment. Press perturbations that change availability of limiting resources can restructure competitive ...
    • The positive effect of plant diversity on soil carbon depends on climate 

      Spohn, Marie; Bagchi, Sumanta; Biederman, Lori A.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Bråthen, Kari Anne; Bugalho, Miguel N.; Caldeira, Maria C.; Catford, Jane A.; Collins, Scott L.; Eisenhauer, Nico; Peri, Pablo Luis; Yahdjian, Laura (Springer Nature, 2023-10-19)
      Little is currently known about how climate modulates the relationship between plant diversity and soil organic carbon and the mechanisms involved. Yet, this knowledge is of crucial importance in times of climate change ...
    • Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions 

      Delavaux, Camille S.; Crowther, Thomas W.; Zohner, Constantin M.; Robmann, Niamh M.; Lauber, Thomas; van den Hoogen, Johan; Kuebbing, Sara; Liang, Jingjing; de-Miguel, Sergio; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Peri, Pablo Luis; Maynard, Daniel S. (Springer Nature, 2023-09)
      Determining the drivers of non-native plant invasions is critical for managing native ecosystems and limiting the spread of invasive species1,2. Tree invasions in particular have been relatively overlooked, even though ...