• Herbivores safeguard plant diversity by reducing variability in dominance 

      Mortensen, Brent; Danielson, Brent; Harpole, William Stanley; Alberti, Juan; Arnillas, Carlos Alberto; Biederman, Lori; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Cadotte, Marc William; Dwyer, John Matthew; Hagenah, Nicole; Hautier, Yann; Peri, Pablo Luis; Seabloom, Eric William (2018-01)
      Reductions in community evenness can lead to local extinctions as dominant species exclude subordinate species; however, herbivores can prevent competitive exclusion by consuming otherwise dominant plant species, thus ...
    • Herbivory and nutrients shape grassland soil seed banks 

      Eskelinen, Anu; Jessen, Maria Theresa; Bahamonde, Hector Alejandro; Bakker, Jonathan D.; Borer, Elizabeth T.; Caldeira, Maria C.; Harpole, William Stanley; Jia, Meiyu; Lannes, Luciola S.; Nogueira, Carla; Venterink, Harry Olde; Peri, Pablo Luis; Porath-Krause, Anita J.; Seabloom, Eric William; Schroeder, Katie; Tognetti, Pedro M.; Yasui, Simone-Louise E.; Virtanen, Risto; Sullivan, Lauren L. (Springer Nature, 2023-07-04)
      Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment and shifts in herbivory can lead to dramatic changes in the composition and diversity of aboveground plant communities. In turn, this can alter seed banks in the soil, which are cryptic ...
    • Holistic versus continuous grazing in Patagonia: A station-scale case study of plant and animal production 

      Oliva, Gabriel Esteban; Ferrante, Daniela; Cepeda, Carla Tamara; Humano, Gervasio; Puig, Silvina (Elsevier, 2021-01)
      We compared animal and vegetation responses of a 13 600-ha area under holistic grazing management (HGM) with a similar area under continuous grazing (CGM) in a Patagonian station. Limitations were a dry 2012 −2016 experimental ...
    • Human appropriation of net primary production related to livestock provisioning ecosystem services in Southern Patagonia 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (MDPI, 2022-06-22)
      Human appropriation of net primary productivity (HANPP) integrates ecological and socioeconomic perspectives on land use by quantifying the amount of net primary production (NPP) appropriated by society through biomass ...
    • Human footprint defining conservation strategies in Patagonian landscapes: Where we are and where we want to go? 

      Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Peri, Pablo Luis; Pidgeon, Anna Michle; Politi, Natalia; Pedrana, Julieta; Díaz-Delgado, Ricardo; Martinez Pastur, Guillermo José (Elsevier, 2021-02)
      Understanding human influence on ecosystems and their services is crucial to achieve sustainable development and ensure the conservation of biodiversity. In this context, the human footprint index (HFI) represents the ...
    • Improving the knowledge of plant potential biodiversity-ecosystem services links using maps at the regional level in Southern Patagonia. 

      Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Peri, Pablo Luis; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Lasagno, Romina Gisele; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (Springer, 2021-07-22)
      Background: Biodiversity supports multiple ecosystem services, whereas species loss endangers the provision of many services and affects ecosystem resilience and resistance capacity. The increase of remote sensing techniques ...
    • In vivo oral toxicity and antioxidant capacity of Nothofagus antarctica (G.Forst.) oerst (ñire) leaves 

      Hugo, Ayelén A.; Serradell, María De los Ángeles; Peri, Pablo Luis; Farina, Sebastián; Gomez-Zavaglia, Andrea (Taylor & Francis Group, 2024-01-04)
      Nothofagus antarctica (NA) is a native tree of Patagonia. Since ancient times, NA leaves were used in infusions for medical and food purposes, but there are no deep insights on its toxicity. The aim of this work was to ...
    • Influencia de factores bióticos y abióticos en el crecimiento de la regeneración pre- y post-cosecha en un bosque de Nothofagus pumilio 

      Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Barrera, Marcelo Daniel; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Soler Esteban, Rosina Matilde; Peri, Pablo Luis (2017)
      Para definir nuevas prácticas silvícolas es necesario conocer los procesos ecosistémicos involucrados y los impactos que generan. Las propuestas implementadas generaron diversos interrogantes relacionados al dosel remanente, ...
    • Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice 

      Saarikoski, Heli; Primmer, Eeva; Saarela, Sanna-Riikka; Antunes, Paula; Baró, Francesc; Berry, Pam; Garcia Blanko, Gemma; Gómez-Baggethun, Erik; Carvalho, Lawrence; Dick, Jan; Dunford, Robert; Hanzu, Mihail; Harrison, Paula A.; Izakovicova, Zita; Kertész, Miklós; Kopperoinen, Leena; Köhler, Berit; Langemeyer, Johannes; Lapola, David; Liquete, Camino; Luque, Sandra; Mederly, Peter; Niemelä, Jari; Palomo, Ignacio; Martinez Pastur, Guillermo José; Peri, Pablo Luis; Preda, Elena; Priess, Jörg A.; Santos, Rui Ferreira Dos; Schleyer, Christian; Turkelboom, Francis; Vadineanu, Angheluta; Verheyden, Wim; Vikström, Suvi; Young, Juliette; Aszalós, Réka (Elsevier, 2018-02)
      The promise that ecosystem service assessments will contribute to better decision-making is not yet proven. We analyse how knowledge on ecosystem services is actually used to inform land and water management in 22 case ...
    • Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential 

      Mo, Lidong; Zohner, Constantin M.; Reich, Peter B.; Liang, Jingjing; de-Miguel, Sergio; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Renner, Susanne S.; van den Hoogen, Johan; Araza, Arnan; Herold, Martin; Peri, Pablo Luis; Crowther, Thomas W. (Springer Nature, 2023-12-07)
      Forests are a substantial terrestrial carbon sink, but anthropogenic changes in land use and climate have considerably reduced the scale of this system1. Remote-sensing estimates to quantify carbon losses from global ...
    • Interacciones ecológicas en bosques de Nothofagus antarctica bajo uso silvopastoril en Patagonia sur continental 

      Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Gargaglione, Veronica Beatriz; Ormaechea, Sebastián Gabriel; Peri, Pablo Luis (Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, 2018-12)
      Los bosques de ñire (Nothofagus antarctica) en el sur de Patagonia se ubican mayoritariamente limitando con la estepa. De esta manera, han sido utilizados como sistemas silvopastoriles con ganadería ovina y/o bovina desde ...
    • Intoxicación crónica primaria por cobre en un carnero Merino en la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina = Primary chronic cooper poisoning in a Merino ram from Santa Cruz province, Argentina 

      Aguilar, Marcelo Javier; Robles, Carlos Alejandro (2014-04)
      Se presenta un caso de intoxicación crónica por cobre en un carnero de raza Merino en estabulación prolongada. A la inspección, el animal presentaba dificultad para caminar, emisión de orina rojiza y marcada ictericia en ...
    • Intra-population variability in the drought response of a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) population in the southwest of Europe 

      Aranda, Ismael; Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Sánchez-Gómez, David (2017-06)
      Phenotypic variability within forest species populations is considered of special relevance for local adaptation under new environments, albeit it has been analyzed to a lesser extent than inter-population phenotypic ...
    • Invasions: the trail behind, the path ahead, and a test of a disturbing idea 

      Moles, Angela; Flores Moreno, Habacuc; Bonser, Stephen P.; Warton, David I.; Helm, Aveliina; Warman, Laura; Eldridge, David J.; Jurado, Enrique; Hemmings, Frank A.; Reich, Peter B.; Cavender Bares, Jeannine; Seabloom, Eric William; Mayfield, Margaret M.; Sheil, Douglas; Djietror, Jonathan C.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Enrico, Lucas; Cabido, Marcelo Ruben; Setterfield, Samantha; Lehman, Caroline; Thomson, Fiona (Wiley, 2012-01)
      We provide a brief overview of progress in our understanding of introduced plant species. Three main conclusions emerge from our review: (i) Many lines of research, including the search for traits that make species good ...
    • Investigación socio-ecológica a largo plazo en la Patagonia Austral: Estrategias interdisciplinarias para lograr la conservación de los recursos naturales a través de un manejo sustentable bajo escenarios de cambio global 

      Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Peri, Pablo Luis; Lencinas, María Vanessa; Soler Esteban, Rosina Matilde; Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Valenzuela, Alejandro E.J.; Cabello, José Luis; Anderson, Christopher B. (2016-04)
      Las dimensiones ecológicas, sociales, institucionales y políticas de los problemas ambientales abarcan escalas espaciales y temporales que exceden a la mayoría de las investigaciones científicas. Una alternativa que crece ...
    • Isotope geochemistry as a natural tag of fish in Patagonian freshwater environments: the invasive Chinook salmon case 

      Avigliano, Esteban; Niklitschek, Edwin; Chung, Ming-Tsung; Diaz, Boris Gaston; Chalde, Tomás; Di Prinzio, Cecilia; Solimano, Patricio; Llompart, Facundo; Garcés, Cristóbal; Diaz Ochoa, Javier; Aldea, Cristian; Huang, Kuo-Fang; Duquenoy, Camille; Leisen, Mathieu; Volpedo, Alejandra (Elsevier, 2023-05-15)
      Patagonian aquatic environments have been invaded since the end of the last century by different species of salmonids.Knowing the natal origin and homing/straying rate of the salmonids in colonised environments is essential ...
    • Isotopic evidence for oligotrophication of terrestrial ecosystems 

      Craine, Joseph M.; Elmore, Andrew J.; Wang, Lixing; Aranibar, Julieta; Bauters, Marijn; Boeckx, Pascal; Crowley, Brooke E.; Dawes, Melissa A.; Delzon, Sylvain; Fajardo, Alex; Fang, Yunting; Fujiyoshi, Lei; Gray, Alan; Guerrieri, Rossella; Gundale, Michel J.; Hawke, David J.; Hietz, Peter; Jonard, Mathieu; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Kenzo, Tanaka; Makarov, Mikhail; Marañón Jiménez, Sara; McGlynn, Terrence P.; McNeil, Brenden E.; Mosher, Stella G.; Nelson, David M.; Peri, Pablo Luis; Roggy, Jean Christophe; Sanders-DeMott, Rebecca; Song, Minghua; Szpak, Paul; Templer, Pamela H.; Colff, Dewidine van der; Werner, Christiane; Xu, Xingliang; Yang, Yang; Yu, Guirui; Zmudczyńska-Skarbek, Katarzyna (Springer Nature, 2018)
      Human societies depend on an Earth system that operates within a constrained range of nutrient availability, yet the recent trajectory of terrestrial nitrogen (N) availability is uncertain. Examining patterns of foliar N ...
    • Knowledge arising from long-term research of variable retention harvesting in Tierra del Fuego: where do we go from here? 

      Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Toro Manríquez, Mónica D.R.; Huertas Herrera, Alejandro; Miller, Juan A.; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Barrera, Marcelo Daniel; Peri, Pablo Luis; Lencinas, María Vanessa (Springer Open, 2019-07)
      Nothofagus pumilio forests in Tierra del Fuego are the southernmost forests in the world, where extreme climate conditions represent a challenge to attain sustainable forest management. Retention forestry was proposed as ...
    • Lamb and wool provisioning ecosystem services in Southern Patagonia 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Rosas, Yamina Micaela; Rivera, Emilio Hernan; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (MDPI, 2021-07-30)
      In Southern Patagonia, grasslands are the principal food resource for sheep reared for meat and wool as the main provisioning ecosystem services (ES). The main objective of this study was to model lamb and wool production ...
    • Land sharing in South Patagonia: Conservation of above-ground beetle diversity in forests and non-forest ecosystems 

      Lencinas, María Vanessa; Sola, Francisco Javier; Cellini, Juan Manuel; Peri, Pablo Luis; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (Elsevier, 2019-11)
      Land-sharing strategies, as variable retention silvicultural proposals, are useful to mitigate harmful effects of economic activities on forest biodiversity; benefits have been reported worldwide for several organisms. ...