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Equations of bark thickness and volume profiles at different heights with easy-measurement variables
(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (España), 2012)The objective of this work was to develop equations of thickness profile and bark volume at different heights with easy-measurement variables, taking as a study case Nothofagus pumilio forests, growing in different site ... -
Tisanópteros asociados a plantaciones citrícolas de Jujuy y Salta
(Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2014-12)La diversidad de especies de tisanópteros que afectan la calidad de los frutos de cítricos varía en los diferentes países. En la Argentina, fueron citadas Frankliniella rodeos Bagnall (Nasca, et al., 1981); Chaetanaphothrips ... -
Aportes al conocimiento de la biología de Chaetanaphothrips orchidii Moulton (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) sobre frutos de pomelo
(Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, 2014-12)La producción citrícola es una de las actividades más importante para numerosos países del mundo. Los frutos que llegan al consumidor en sus distintas formas, deben reunir condiciones estandarizadas de calidad sanitaria y ... -
The microlepidopterous natural enemy Brachymeria subrugosa Blanchard, 1942 (Hymenoptera, Chalcididae): identity, hosts and geographic distribution
(Magnolia Press, 2015-09)Se designa lectotipo para Brachymeria subrugosa Blanchard 1942 (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). Se realiza una diagnosis y una redescripción de la especie y se compara con B. subconica Bouček; se proveen ilustraciones y ... -
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the semi-arid Chaco region of Argentina based on multiproxy lake records over the last six hundred years
(Elsevier, 2019-06)In this paper, we analyze the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental evolution of Laguna Yema in semi-arid Chaco region of Argentina over the past six hundred years. High resolution multiproxy studies of lake sediments utilize ... -
Intraspecific variation in seed germination and storage behaviour of Cordia tree species of subtropical montane forests of Argentina: Implications for ex situ conservation
(Elsevier, 2019-07)Cordia americana, C. saccelia and C. trichotoma are native trees of the subtropical Andean forests of Argentina. Due to their high value as a wood source, these species are under threat from the over-exploitation of their ... -
Understanding the adoption of sustainable silvopastoral practices in Northern Argentina: What is the role of land tenure?
(Elsevier, 2020)The Argentinian Dry Chaco has suffered from very high deforestation rates in the last decades, and forest degradation remains an important issue. This study examines the adoption of sustainable silvopastoral practices by ... -
Reproductive compatibility and morphological characterization of local populations of the larval endoparasitoid Pseudapanteles dignus in Argentina
(Springer, 2020-04)In hymenopteran parasitoids, isolated geographic populations can show morphological variation and reproductive incompatibility that may lead to failures in biological control programs when they are intended to be used as ... -
Changes in soil organic carbon in native forests of Argentina related to land use change and environmental factors
(Wiley, 2024-09-02)Native forests host important pools of soil organic carbon (SOC). This is a key element not only for ecosystem functioning but also for the global carbon cycle. Globally, and particularly in Argentina, native forests are ...