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    • Molecular engineering improves antigen quality and enables integrated manufacturing of a trivalent subunit vaccine candidate for rotavirus 

      Dalvie, Neil C.; Brady, Joseph R.; Crowell, Laura E.; Tracey, Mary Kate; Biedermann, Andrew M.; Kaur, Kawaljit; Hickey, John M.; Kristensen II, D. Lee; Bonnyman, Alexandra D.; Rodriguez-Aponte, Sergio A.; Whittaker, Charles A.; Bok, Marina; Vega, Celina Guadalupe; Mukhopadhyay, Tarit K.; Joshi, Sangeeta B.; Volkin, David B.; Parreño, Gladys; Love, Kerry R.; Love, J. Christopher (BMC, 2021-05)
      Background: Vaccines comprising recombinant subunit proteins are well-suited to low-cost and high-volume production for global use. The design of manufacturing processes to produce subunit vaccines depends, however, on the ...