Artículos científicos
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Local and landscape effects on the reproduction of wild bees and wasps in Mediterranean communities along a gradient of land-use
(Wiley, 2025-01)The transformation of natural landscapes for agricultural purposes may severely affect wild bee and wasp reproduction. In this study, we located trap-nests on 18 natural Mediterranean communities within agricultural areas ... -
The Neotropical cleptoparasitic bee Mesocheira bicolor (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Ericrocidini) in Argentina
(American Entomological Society, 2024-02-16)Mesocheira bicolor (Fabricius) is a cleptoparasite bee, widely distributed in the New World from Mexico to northern Argentina. In Argentina, this species is only documented from Formosa. In this contribution, we report new ... -
First records of the phytophagous Eumerus strigatus (Fallén) (Diptera: Syrphidae: Syrphinae: Merodontini) in Argentina
(Sociedad Entomológica Argentina, 2021-04-01)Se reporta la presencia del sírfido exótico Eumerus strigatus (Fallén) por primera vez en Argentina. Individuos de esta especie fueron capturados en dos sitios distanciados más de 1.000 km (Villalonga, provincia de Buenos ... -
Estado del servicio ecosistémico de polinización en agroecosistemas con cultivos para producción de semilla hortícola
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2024-04)La polinización entomófila incrementa la calidad y la cantidad de frutos y semillas de la mayoría de los principales cultivos del mundo. San Juan es una de las principales provincias argentinas productoras de semilla ... -
Positive relationship between crop centrality and pollination service
(Elsevier, 2023-02)The topological structure of interaction networks determines community dynamics and stability. Closeness centrality is a species-level attribute that measures the relative position and proximity of species in the interaction ... -
Scientific note: first global report of a bee nest built only with plastic
(INRA, DIB; Springer-Verlag France, 2019-01-28)Agricultural plastic waste can alter wildlife diversity and behavior. Species survival will depend on their ability to adapt to new environmental conditions. In a seed-producing farm, a Megachile sp. nest made fully ...