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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 153
A comparison of two in vitro bioassays to detect resistance of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus to fipronil
Torrents, Jorgelina; Morel, Nicolas; Rossner, Maria Victoria; Martinez, Norberto Claudio; Nava, Santiago (Elsevier, 2023-01)The aim of this work is to compare the sensitivity of two in vitro bioassays to detect resistant to fipronil in Argentinean populations of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus. Two different larval bioassays prepared ... -
A morphological and phylogenetic analysis of Ornithodoros marinkellei (Acari: Argasidae), with additional notes on habitat and host usage
Venzal, José Manuel; Nava, Santiago; Hernández, Ligia V.; Miranda, Jorge; Marcili, Arlei; Labruna, Marcelo B. (Springer, 2018-10)Ornithodoros marinkellei was described from larvae collected on Pteronotus spp. bats in Colombia and Panama. More recently, this tick was reported in the Brazilian Amazon. Because some morphometric differences were observed ... -
A new argasid tick species (Acari: Argasidae) associated with the rock cavy, Kerodon rupestris Wied-Neuwied (Rodentia: Caviidae), in a semiarid region of Brazil
Labruna, Marcelo B.; Nava, Santiago; Marcili, Arlei; Barbieri, Amália Regina Mar; Nunes, Pablo Henrique; Horta, Mauricio Claudio; Venzal, José Manuel (BioMed Central, 2016)Background: The rock cavy Kerodon rupestris (Wied-Neuwied, 1820) is a rodent species endemic to northeastern Brazil. Earlier studies have associated the argasid tick Ornithodoros talaje (Guérin-Méneville, 1849) with rocky ... -
A new species of Ornithodoros (Acari: Argasidae) from desert areas of northern Chile
Muñoz-Leal, Sebastian; Venzal, José Manuel; González-Acuña, Daniel; Nava, Santiago; Lopes, Marcos G.; Martins, Thiago F.; Figueroa, Cecilia; Fernández, Nicolás; Labruna, Marcelo B. (2016-07)Ornithodoros atacamensis n. sp. is described from larvae collected on the lizard Liolaemus bisignatus and from free-living adults collected in desert areas from the Pan de Azúcar and Llanos de Challe National Parks, in ... -
A new species of Ornithodoros (Acari: Argasidae), parasite of Microlophus spp. (Reptilia: Tropiduridae) from northern Chile
Venzal, José Manuel; Nava, Santiago; González-Acuña, Daniel; Mangold, Atilio Jose; Muñoz-Leal, Sebastian; Lado, Paula; Guglielmone, Alberto (2013-02)A new species, Ornithodoros microlophi (Acari: Argasidae), belonging to the subgenus Alectorobius is described from larvae collected on the lizards Microlophus atacamensis (Donoso-Barros, 1966) and Microlophus quadrivittatus ... -
A novel spotted fever group Rickettsia infecting Amblyomma parvitarsum (Acari: Ixodidae) in highlands of Argentina and Chile
Ogrzewalska, María; Nieri-Bastos, Fernanda A.; Marcili, Arlei; Nava, Santiago; González-Acuña, Daniel; Muñoz-Leal, Sebastian; Ruiz-Arrondo, Ignacio; Venzal, José Manuel; Mangold, Atilio Jose; Labruna, Marcelo B. (2016)The tick Amblyomma parvitarsum (Acari: Ixodidae) has established populations in Andean and Patagonic environments of South America. For the present study, adults of A. parvitarsum were collected in highland areas (elevation ... -
A pictorial key to differentiate the recently detected exotic Haemaphysalis longicornis Neumann, 1901 (Acari, Ixodidae) from native congeners in North America
Egizi, Andrea M.; Robbins, Richard G.; Beati, Lorenza; Nava, Santiago; Evans, Colleen R.; Occi, James L.; Fonseca, Dina M. (Pensoft Publishers, 2019-01)Until recently, only two haemaphysaline species, Haemaphysalis chordeilis (Packard, 1869) and Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (Packard, 1869), were known to occur in the United States, and neither was considered to be of ... -
A Trypanosoma species detected in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks from Argentina
Morel, Nicolas; Thompson, Carolina Soledad; Rossner, Maria Victoria; Mangold, Atilio Jose; Nava, Santiago (Elsevier, 2020-09)Specimens of a Trypanosoma sp. were found in a haemolymph sample of Rhipicephalus microplus from Argentina. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was done targeting the SSU rRNA gene of Trypanosoma spp. and a fragment of 2300 ... -
Alternative applications of the strategic control against the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in a subtropical area
Nava, Santiago; Toffaletti, Jose Rodolfo; Rossner, Maria Victoria; Morel, Nicolas; Mangold, Atilio José (Springer, 2021-09)Although different evaluations on the efficacy of the strategic control against Rhipicephalus microplus have been performed, the effects of successive applications of these schemes on the abundance of cattle ticks have not ... -
Amblyomma aureolatum (Acari: Ixodidae): nuevos registros en las provincias de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe, Argentina
Colombo, Valeria Carolina; Pereira, Javier Adolfo; Nava, Santiago; Beldomenico, Pablo Martín (2016-06)En los meses de julio de 2015 y enero de 2016 se colectaron garrapatas de un gato montés (Leopardus geoffroyi) localizado en la provincia de Buenos Aires y de un canino doméstico (Canis lupus familiaris) en la provincia ... -
Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) (Acari: Ixodidae), the Cayenne tick: phylogeography and evidence for allopatric speciation
Beati, Lorenza; Nava, Santiago; Burkman, Erica J.; Barros Battesti, Darci M.; Labruna, Marcelo B.; Guglielmone, Alberto; Cáceres, Abraham G.; Guzman Cornejo, Carmen M.; Léon, Renato; Durden, Lance A.; Faccini, João L.H. (2013-12)Background: Amblyomma cajennense F. is one of the best known and studied ticks in the New World because of its very wide distribution, its economical importance as pest of domestic ungulates, and its association with a ... -
Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae), a tick from northwestern Argentina previously confused with Amblyomma coelebs Neumann, 1899
Nava, Santiago; Mastropaolo, Mariano; Mangold, Atilio Jose; Martins, Thiago F.; Venzal, José Manuel; Guglielmone, Alberto (2014-07)All stages of Amblyomma hadanii n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae) are described from northwestern Argentina. The diagnostic characters for males are a combination of the pattern of scutal ornamentation, basis capituli dorsally ... -
Amblyomma parvum Aragão, 1908 (Acari: Ixodidae): Phylogeography and systematic considerations
Lado, Paula; Nava, Santiago; Labruna, Marcelo B.; Szabó, Matías P.J.; Durden, Lance A.; Bermudez, Sergio; Montagna, Matteo; Sánchez Quirós, Ana C.; Beati, Lorenza (2016-07)The geographical distribution of Amblyomma parvum Aragão 1908 in the New World is disjunct, with two main clusters separated from each other by the Amazon basin. The main objectives of this study were to further investigate ... -
Amblyomma yucumense Krawczak, Martins & Labruna, 2015 (Acari: Ixodidae) in Argentina
Lamattina, Daniela; Venzal, José Manuel; Tarragona, Evelina Luisa; Mangold, Atilio José; Nava, Santiago (Systematic & Applied Acarology Society, 2018-05)Amblyomma yucumense was recently described from specimens collected in the Turvo State Park, southern Brazil. In search of this tick species, free-living ticks were collected at the Moconá Provincial Park and the Yabotí ... -
Analysis of sequence variations in the GABA gated chloride gene associated with resistance to fipronil in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks from Argentina
Sarli, Macarena; Torrents, Jorgelina; Morel, Nicolas; Nava, Santiago (Elsevier, 2022-11)This study aimed to evaluate the sequence variations of the GABA-Cl gene of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks from Argentina with different resistance levels to fipronil. Genomic DNA was obtained from engorged ... -
Analysis of the tick communities associated to domestic mammals in rural areas of the Yungas montane forest from Argentina
Copa, Griselda N.; Flores, Fernando Sebastián; Tarragona, Evelina Luisa; Lamattina, Daniela; Sebastian, Patrick; Gil, José F.; Mangold, Atilio Jose; Venzal, José Manuel; Nava, Santiago (Elsevier, 2023-04)The aim of this work was to describe the tick community associated to domestic mammals in rural areas from the Yungas lower montane forest of Argentina. The circulation of tick-borne pathogens was also analyzed. Samples ... -
Applicability of three indices to evaluate the reproductive capacity of Rhipicephalus microplus engorged female ticks in acaricide efficacy trials
Sarli, Macarena; Morel, Nicolas; Nava, Santiago (Elsevier, 2023)This study aimed to analyze the applicability of three different indices to evaluate the reproductive capacity of engorged females (RCEF). The indices, RCEF1, RCEF2 and RCEF3, were proposed as alternative to the count of ... -
Assays to evaluate the transovarial transmission of Anaplasma marginale by Rhipicephalus microplus
Mazzucco Panizza, Matilde Nahimé; Cutulle, Christian; Primo, María Evangelina; Morel, Nicolas; Sebastian, Patrick; Nava, Santiago (Elsevier, 2022-11)The aim of this study was to evaluate the vectorial competence of Rhipicephalus microplus to transmit Anaplasma marginale transovarially, by analyzing the results of three different but complementary assays. First, larvae ... -
Assessment of habitat suitability for the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in temperate areas
Nava, Santiago; Gamietea, Ignacio José; Morel, Nicolas; Guglielmone, Alberto; Estrada-Peña, Agustín (Elsevier, 2022-07)The aim of this research was to analyze and model the aptitude of temperate areas to support permanent populations of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus, which is principally distributed in tropical and subtropical ... -
Bacteria of the genera Ehrlichia and Rickettsia in ticks of the family Ixodidae with medical importance in Argentina
Tarragona, Evelina Luisa; Saracho Bottero, María Noelia; Mangold, Atilio Jose; Sebastian, Patrick Stephan; Mackenstedt, Ute; Nava, Santiago (2016)The aim of this study was to get an overview about the occurrence of bacteria from the genus Ehrlichia and Rickettsia in ixodid ticks with medical importance in Argentina. Therefore, in 2013 and 2014, free-living ticks ...