Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
Allometric relations for biomass partitioning of Nothofagus antarctica trees of different crown classes over a site quality gradient
(Elsevier, 2010-03)Data on tree biomass are essential for understanding the forest carbon cycle and plant adaptations to the environment. We determined biomass accumulation and allometric relationships in the partitioning of biomass between ... -
Aprovechamiento y respuesta productiva de ovinos en una pastura de Agropiros en la Patagonia Austral
(EEA Santa Cruz, INTA, 2020-12)En el sur de Santa Cruz se desarrolló un trabajo con el objetivo de evaluar la eficiencia del aprovechamiento y la respuesta productiva de corderos/as y ovejas de cría con dos niveles contrastantes de carga animal en una ... -
Carbon accumulation along a stand development sequence of Nothofagus antarctica forests across a gradient in site quality in Southern Patagonia
(Elsevier, 2010-06-25)Above- and below-ground C pools were measured in pure even-aged stands of Nothofagus antarctica (Forster f.) Oersted at different ages (5–220 years), crown and site classes in the Patagonian region. Mean tissue C concentration ... -
Efecto de las características forestales y del ambiente sobre el sotobosque de bosques de Nothofagus antarctica en Tierra del Fuego
(Red Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología Forestal, 2023-03-27)La vegetación del sotobosque es parte integral de los bosques, cumpliendo un rol fundamental para el reciclado de nutrientes y energía, el soporte de la biodiversidad y sus interacciones, y la estabilidad/resiliencia del ... -
Linking changes in species composition and biomass in a globally distributed grassland experiment
(Wiley, 2022-11-24)Global change drivers, such as anthropogenic nutrient inputs, are increasing globally. Nutrient deposition simultaneously alters plant biodiversity, species composition and ecosystem processes like aboveground biomass ... -
Pasture and grassland productivity and foliar elongation of wheatgrass in Southern Patagonia = Productividad de pastura y pastizal y elongación foliar de agropiros en la Patagonia austral = Produtividade pastagem e pasto natural e alongamento foliar de agropyros no Sul da Patagônia
(INIA Uruguay y Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, 2023-07-28)The aim of this work was to show the relationship of the productivity of a pasture and grassland, the living and dead material, and the foliar elongation of wheatgrass with the soil moisture and the thermal sum in Southern ... -
Rangeland grazing management in Argentine Patagonia
(IJAB. Friends science publishers, 2020-08-31)Stocking rate adjustment in grazing management is recommended as a management tool to sustain productivity and improve soil health of permanent grassland ecosystems. The aim of this project was to assess the effect of ...