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Surface properties and permeability to calcium chloride of Fagus sylvatica and Quercus petraea leaves of different canopy heights
Plant surfaces have a considerable degree of chemical and physical variability also
in relation to different environmental conditions, organs and state of development.
The potential changes on plant surface properties in association with environmental
variations have been little explored so far. Using two model tree species (i.e., Quercus
petraea, sessile oak and Fagus sylvatica, beech) growing in ‘Montejo de la Sierra Forest,’
we examined various
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Plant surfaces have a considerable degree of chemical and physical variability also
in relation to different environmental conditions, organs and state of development.
The potential changes on plant surface properties in association with environmental
variations have been little explored so far. Using two model tree species (i.e., Quercus
petraea, sessile oak and Fagus sylvatica, beech) growing in ‘Montejo de la Sierra Forest,’
we examined various traits of the abaxial and adaxial surface of leaves of both species
collected at a height of approximately 15 m (top canopy), versus 3.5–5.5 m for beech
and sessile oak, lower canopy leaves. Leaf surface ultra-structure was analyzed by
scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and the surface free energy and related
parameter were estimated after measuring drops of 3 liquids with different degrees of
polarity and apolarity. The permeability of the adaxial and abaxial surface of top and
bottom canopy leaves to CaCl2 was estimated by depositing 2 drops of 3–4 ml per
cm2 and comparing the concentration of Ca in leaf tissues 24 h after treatment, and
also Ca and Cl concentrations in the washing liquid. Higher Ca concentrations were
recorded after the application of CaCl2 drops onto the veins and adaxial blade of
top canopy beech leaves, while no significant evidence for foliar Ca absorption was
gained with sessile oak leaves. Surprisingly, high amounts of Cl were recovered after
washing untreated, top canopy beach and sessile oak leaves with deionised water, a
phenomenon which was not traced to occur on lower canopy leaves of both species.
It is concluded that the surface of the two species analyzed is heterogeneous in nature
and may have areas favoring the absorption of water and solutes as observed for the
veins of beech leaves.

Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro;
Gil, Luis;
Fernández, Victoria;
Frontiers in plant science 9 : article 494. (April 2018 )
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