• Relevance of farm-scale indicators and tools for farmers to assess sustainability of their mixed crop-ruminant livestock systems 

      Leite, Fernanda Figueiredo Granja Dorilêo; Faverin, Claudia; Ciganda, Verónica; Cristobal Carballo, Omar; dos Reis, Julio Cesar; Eugène, Maguy; Fariña, Santiago; Hercher Pasteur, Jean; Monteiro, Alyce; Pastell, Matti; Recavarren, Paulo Mario; Romera, Alvaro; Rosanowski, Sarah; Tieri, María Paz; Aubry, Aurélie; Veysset, Patrick; Kenny, David; Vibart, Ronaldo (Elsevier, 2024-08-02)
      Ensuring the sustainability and circularity of mixed crop-ruminant livestock systems is essential if they are to deliver on the enhancement of long-term productivity and profitability with a smaller footprint. The objectives ...