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Wetlands : diversity and conservation status of vascular plants in Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Wetlands are ecosystems that are covered by water (salt, fresh or intermediate) on a seasonal or permanent basis. In recent years these environments have been increasing their studies, especially in benefit to the society. According to that, in Argentina the wetlands are going to be considered of National interest, however until now there is no legislation in
the province of Buenos Aires that includes their protection and conservation. With the objective
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Wetlands are ecosystems that are covered by water (salt, fresh or intermediate) on a seasonal or permanent basis. In recent years these environments have been increasing their studies, especially in benefit to the society. According to that, in Argentina the wetlands are going to be considered of National interest, however until now there is no legislation in
the province of Buenos Aires that includes their protection and conservation. With the objective of collaborating with the National initiative for the preservation of wetlands, the aims of this work focus on the record and conservation status of vascular flora associates in that ecosystem in Buenos Aires region.

Elisei, Aldana M.;
Fischer, Maria De Los Angeles;
Fortunato, Renee Hersilia;
Bena, Julia;
20nd International Botanical Congress, Madrid, España. July 21st - 27th, 2024
Sociedad Botánica Española
Tipo de documento
documento de conferencia
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