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Isolation of Bacillus spp. from the rhizosphere of olive trees planted in Castelar
Drechslera, Fasarium Verticillum are important soilborne pahogen, causing losses in a wide variety of important crop (Tijamos et. al., 1997). Alternative to chemical control are antagonistic microorganisms (Weller, 1988). The rhizhosphere is defined as a the layer of soil influenced by root metabolism, In comparison to root - free soils, the rhizhosphere forms a nutrient rich niche for microorganisms as a result of exudationof compounds Lorenz Hiltner,
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Drechslera, Fasarium Verticillum are important soilborne pahogen, causing losses in a wide variety of important crop (Tijamos et. al., 1997). Alternative to chemical control are antagonistic microorganisms (Weller, 1988). The rhizhosphere is defined as a the layer of soil influenced by root metabolism, In comparison to root - free soils, the rhizhosphere forms a nutrient rich niche for microorganisms as a result of exudationof compounds Lorenz Hiltner, 1904).

XXIX Congreso Argentino de Horticultura. I Simposio Internacional de Nogalicultura y de Olivicultura. Catamarca, 2006
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