Mostrando ítems 121-140 de 142

    • Development of agroclimatic zoning model to delimit the potential growing areas for macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata) 

      Falasca, Silvia Viviana; Ulberich, Ana Cristina; Pitta Alvarez, Sandra (Springer, 2017-08)
      The growing biodiesel production requires the use of new technologies and alternative feedstocks to maintain the growing demand of this biofuel. The macaw (Acrocomia aculeata) is a palm native to Argentina whose fruits ...
    • Ammonia emissions from the agriculture sector in Argentina; 2000–2012 

      Castesana, Paula Soledad; Dawidowski, Laura Elena; Finster, Laura; Gómez, Darío R.; Taboada, Miguel Angel (Elsevier, 2018-04)
      Agriculture is one of the key economic sectors in Argentina and, in the last decades, the increase in prices and competitiveness of some grains has imposed important changes. In this process, crop cultivation occupied ...
    • Propuesta de sistematización agrohidrológica en cuencas de llanura con énfasis predial y consorciado = Proposal for agro-hydrological systematization in basins plaines with emphasis predial and consortial 

      Damiano, Francisco; Parodi, Gabriel N.; Taboada, Miguel Angel; Prieto Garra, Daniel (Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, 2017)
      Existe escasa tecnología para el manejo de aguas superfi ciales en áreas de planicie extrema e inundable, aumentada por la controversia de opinión en cuanto al modo de encarar la solución de los excesos y défi cit hídricos. ...
    • Validación de sistemas de pronóstico del impacto de la fusariosis de la espiga en cultivares de trigo 

      Moschini, Ricardo Carlos; Acuña, Mario; Alberione, Enrique Javier; Castellarin, Julio Manuel; Ferraguti, Facundo Javier; Lozza, Homero F.; Martinez, Malvina Irene (2016-07)
      En Argentina, el principal agente causal de la enfermedad conocida como fusariosis de la espiga de trigo (FET) es el hongo Fusarium graminearum (Schwabe) (teleomorfo Gibberella zeae (Schwein)). La FET es una enfermedad ...
    • Remote sensing and cropping practices: a review 

      Bégue, Agnes; Arvor, Damian; Bellon, Beatriz; Betbeder, Julie; De Abelleyra, Diego; Ferraz, Rodrigo; Lebourgeois, Valentine; Lelong, Camille; Simoes, Margareth; Veron, Santiago Ramón (2018)
      For agronomic, environmental, and economic reasons, the need for spatialized information about agricultural practices is expected to rapidly increase. In this context, we reviewed the literature on remote sensing for mapping ...
    • Análisis de la fusariosis de la espiga de trigo en Oliveros. Campaña 2016/17 

      Martinez, Malvina Irene; Castellarin, Julio Manuel; Martin, Nazareno Hernán; Moschini, Ricardo Carlos (EEA Oliveros, 2017)
      El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la evolución de la FET en la campaña 2016/17, en la EEA INTA Oliveros. Para ello, se utilizó una plataforma web de libre acceso y de uso sencillo, que permitió contrastar los valores ...
    • Estimation of high-resolution terrestrial evapotranspiration from Landsat data using a simple Taylor skill fusion method 

      Yunjun, Yao; Shunlin, Liang; Yuhu, Zhang; Jiquan, Chen; Xianglan, Li; Kun, Jia; Xiaotong, Zhang; Fisher, Joshua B.; Xuanyu, Wang; Lilin, Zhang; Jia, Xu; Changliang, Shao; Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela; Yingnian, Li; Magliulo, Vincenzo; Varlagin, Andrej; Moors, Eddy J.; Boike, Julia; Macfarlane, Craig; Kato, Tomomichi; Buchmann, Nina; Billesbach, D.P.; Beringer, Jason; Wolf, Sebastian; Papuga, Shirley A.; Wohlfahrt, Georg; Montagnani, Leonardo; Ardö, Jonas; Paul-Limoges, Eugénie; Emmel, Carmen; Hörtnagl, Lukas; Sachs, Torsten; Gruening, Carsten; Gioli, Beniamino; López-Ballesteros, Ana; Steinbrecher, Rainer; Gielen, Bert (2017-10)
      Estimation of high-resolution terrestrial evapotranspiration (ET) from Landsat data is important in many climatic, hydrologic, and agricultural applications, as it can help bridging the gap between existing coarse-resolution ...
    • Patterns and controls of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes in a dry forest of central Argentina 

      Garcia, Alfredo Gabriel; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Houspanossian, Javier; Magliano, Patricio Nicolás; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel; Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela; Fernandez, Roberto J.; Nosetto, Marcelo Daniel (Elsevier, 2017-12)
      Covering 16% of global land surface, dry forests play a key role in the global carbon budget. The Southern Hemisphere still preserves a high proportion of its native dry forest cover, but deforestation rates have increased ...
    • Assessment of the soil water content in the Pampas region using SWAT 

      Havrylenko, Sofí­a Beatriz; Bodoque del Pozo, José María; Srinivasan, R.; Zucarelli, G.V.; Mercuri, Pablo Alberto (2016-02)
      La región Pampeana ha experimentado recientemente una expansión de la agricultura hacia ambientes más frágiles, que se ha asociado con un aumento en la frecuencia de las sequías que afectan a toda la región. En el presente ...
    • Regional isoprenoid emission from Eucalyptus grandis forests in northeastern Argentina 

      Richter, Klaus; Centritto, Mauro; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela (2016)
      Eucalyptus species are strong source of isoprenoid emission. The objective of the present study was to estimate isoprenoid emissions from Eucalyptus grandis forest crops in the Entre Rios province in the Mesopotamia region ...
    • Carbon and water vapor balance in a subtropical pine plantation 

      Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela; Lewczuk, Nuria; Richter, Klaus; Cristiano, Piedad María (2016-10)
      Afforestation has been proposed as an effective tool for protecting primary and/or secondary forests and for mitigating atmospheric CO2. However, the dynamics of primary productivity differs between plantations and natural ...
    • Arsenic and fluoride in water in northwestern Buenos Aires : their association with natural landscape elements 

      Alconada Magliano, Margarita Maria; Damiano, Francisco; Carrillo-Rivera, José Joel; Fagundo-Castillo, Juan Reynerio (2017-02)
      Numerous publications analyze the origin of Arsenic and Fluoride, their behavior and distribution in groundwater indicating the importance in understanding the relation between their occurrence with other physical and ...
    • A multi-resolution approach to national-scale cultivated area estimation of soybean 

      King, LeeAnn; Adusei, Bernard; Stehman, Stephen V.; Potapov, Peter V.; Xiao-Peng, Song; Krylov, Alexander; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Loveland, Thomas R.; Johnson, David M.; Hansen, Matthew C. (2017-06)
      Satellite remote sensing data can provide timely, accurate, and objective information on cultivated area by crop type and, in turn, facilitate accurate estimates of crop production. Here, we present a generic multi-resolution ...
    • Downgrading recent stimates of land available for biofuel production 

      Fritz, Steffen; See, Linda; van der Velde, Marijn; Nalepa, Rachel A.; Perger, Christoph; Schill, Christian; McCallum, Ian; Schepaschenko, Dimitry; Kraxner, Florian; Cai, Ximing; Zhang, Xiao; Ortner, Simone; Hazarika, Rubul; Cipriani, Anna; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Rabia, Ahmed H.; Garcia, Alfredo Gabriel; Vakolyuk, Mar`yana; Singha, Kuleswar; Beget, Maria Eugenia; Erasmi, Stefan; Albrecht, Franziska; Shaw, Brian; Obersteiner, Michael (2013-02)
      Recent estimates of additional land available for bioenergy production range from 320 to 1411 million ha. These estimates were generated from four scenarios regarding the types of land suitable for bioenergy production ...
    • Impacts of precipitation and temperature on crop yields in the Pampas 

      Veron, Santiago Ramón; De Abelleyra, Diego; Lobell, David B. (2015-05)
      Understanding regional impacts of recent climate trends can help anticipate how further climate change will affect agricultural productivity. We here used panel models to estimate the contribution of growing season ...
    • Modelos logísticos predictivos de la cancrosis de los cítricos en Bella Vista y su uso en el área citrícola española 

      Moschini, Ricardo Carlos; Canteros, Blanca Isabel; Marcó, Guillermo Miguel; Cazenave, Graciela Raquel (2015)
      La cancrosis de los cítricos, causada por la bacteria Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, es una enfermedad cuarentenaria y endémica en el noreste argentino. Observaciones (1991-2008) de la intensidad de la cancrosis en media ...
    • Soybean frogeye leaf spot [Cercospora sojina] : first weather-based prediction models developed from weather station and satellite data 

      Sepulcri, Maria Gabriela; Moschini, Ricardo Carlos; Carmona, Marcelo Anibal (2015-06-30)
      In Argentina, soybean frogeye leaf spot occurs sporadically. However, particularly in the Pampas Region, the incidence and severity of this fungal disease have significantly increased in the last years. In the present ...
    • Influence of fuel conditions on the occurrence, propagation and duration of wildland fires: A regional approach 

      Fischer, Maria De Los Angeles; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel (2015-09)
      Wildfires affect Earth's surface every year. Fuels conditions influence fire occurrence and behavior; therefore, their characterization is important for fire risk studies. We analyzed vegetation conditions influencing fires ...
    • Developing an agro-climatic zoning model to determine potential growing areas for Camelina sativa 

      Falasca, Silvia Viviana; Miranda del Fresno, María Carolina; Waldman, Cynthia Paula (2014)
      The purpose of this paper was the development of an agro-climatic zoning model to determine potential growing areas for Camelina sativa in Argentina. Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) is a promising and sustainable alternative ...
    • National-scale soybean mapping and area estimation in the United States using medium resolution satellite imagery and field survey 

      Xiao-Peng, Song; Potapov, Peter V.; Krylov, Alexander; King, LeeAnn; Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo; Hudson, Amy; Khan, Ahmad; Adusei, Bernard; Stehman, Stephen V.; Hansen, Matthew C. (2017)
      Reliable and timely information on agricultural production is essential for ensuring world food security. Freely available medium-resolution satellite data (e.g. Landsat, Sentinel) offer the possibility of improved global ...