• Galectin-8 and GEL01 as potential adjuvants to enhance the immune response induced by a DNA vaccine against bovine alphaherpesvirus Type-1 

      Kornuta, Claudia Alejandra; Bidart, Juan Esteban; Soria, Ivana; Quattrocchi, Valeria; Gammella, Mariela; Tribulatti, María Virginia; Campetella, Oscar; Prato, Cecilia A.; Carabelli, Julieta; Cheuquepan Valenzuel, Felipe Andres; Hecker, Yanina; Moore, Prando Dadin; Zamorano, Patricia Ines; Langellotti, Cecilia Ana (Elsevier, 2025-03)
      Bovine alphaherpesvirus-1 (BoAHV-1) causes several symptoms in cattle, leading to significant costs for the livestock industry. In this study, we used a plasmid encoding a secreted form of BoAHV-1 glycoprotein D (pCIgD) ...
    • MANα1-2MAN decorated liposomes enhance the immunogenicity induced by a DNA vaccine against BoHV-1 

      Kornuta, Claudia Alejandra; Bidart, , Juan Esteban; Soria, Ivana; Gammella, Mariela; Quattrocchi, Valeria; Pappalardo, Juan Sebastián; Salmaso, Stefano; Torchilin, Vladimir P.; Cheuquepan Valenzuel, Felipe Andres; Hecker, Yanina; Moore, Dadin P.; Zamorano, Patricia Ines; Langellotti, Cecilia Ana (Wiley, 2021-03)
      New technologies in the field of vaccinology arise as a necessity for the treatment and control of many diseases. Whole virus inactivated vaccines and modified live virus ones used against Bovine Herpesvirus‐1 (BoHV‐1) ...
    • TLR activation, immune response and viral protection elicited in cattle by a commercial vaccine against Bovine Herpesvirus-1 

      Kornuta, Claudia Alejandra; Cheuquepan Valenzuel, Felipe Andres; Bidart, , Juan Esteban; Soria, Ivana; Gammella, Mariela; Quattrocchi, Valeria; Hecker, Yanina; Moore, Prando Dadin; Romera, Sonia Alejandra; Marin, Maia Solange; Zamorano, Patricia Ines; Langellotti, Cecilia Ana (Elsevier, 2022-01)
      The innate and acquired immune response induced by a commercial inactivated vaccine against Bovine Herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) and protection conferred against the virus were analyzed in cattle. Vaccination induced high levels ...