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- CICVyA. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas
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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 25
A novel MHC-II targeted BVDV subunit vaccine induces a neutralizing immunological response in guinea pigs and cattle
Bellido, Demian; Baztarrica, Josefina; Rocha, Lucía Alejandra; Pecora, Andrea; Acosta, Mario; Escribano, José M.; Parreño, Gladys; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Wiley, 2021-11)Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is a major cause of economic loss in the cattle industry, worldwide. Infection results in reduced productive performance, growth retardation, reduced milk production and increased ... -
Advances in novel vaccines for foot and mouth disease: focus on recombinant empty capsids
Mignaqui, Ana Clara; Ruiz, Vanesa; Durocher, Yves; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Taylor & Francis, 2019-05)Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals, which causes severe economic losses in the livestock industry. Currently available vaccines are based on inactivated FMD virus (FMDV). ... -
Bovine dendritic cell activation, T cell proliferation and antibody responses to foot-and-mouth disease, is similar with inactivated virus and virus like particles
Quattrocchi, Valeria; Bidart, Juan Esteban; Mignaqui, Ana Clara; Ruiz, Vanesa; Ferella, Alejandra; Langellotti, Cecilia Ana; Gammella, Mariela; Ferraris, Sergio; Carrillo, Jorge Ernesto; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Durocher, Yves; Cardillo, Sabrina Beatriz; Charleston, Bryan; Zamorano, Patricia Ines (Frontiers Media, 2020-09)Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals that causes severe economic losses in the livestock industry. Currently available vaccines are based on the inactivated FMD virus (FMDV). ... -
Brucella spp. Lumazine synthase as a novel immunomodulator to produce egg yolk antibodies
Bellido, Demian; Chacana, Pablo; Mozgovoj, Marina Valeria; Gonzalez, Diego; Goldbaum, Fernando Alberto; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Dus Santos, Maria Jose (Scientific Research, 2012-02)Lumazine synthase from Brucella spp. (BLS) is a highly immunogenic decameric protein. It has been previously described as a carrier of peptides or proteins to increase their immunogenicity in different animal species, but ... -
Chicken egg yolk antibodies against bovine respiratory syncytial virus neutralize the virus in vitro
Ferella, Alejandra; Bellido, Demian; Chacana, Pablo; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Dus Santos, Maria Jose; Mozgovoj, Marina Valeria (Elsevier, 2012)Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and its counterpart in humans (HRSV) are two closely related virus, which are the leading cause of severe respiratory syndrome in calves and young children, respectively. Passive ... -
Comparison of strategies for the production of FMDV empty capsids using the Baculovirus Vector System
Ruiz, Vanesa; Mignaqui, Ana Clara; Nuñez, M.C.; Reytor, Edel; Escribano, José M.; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Springer, 2014-11)Recombinant FMDV empty capsids have been produced in insect cells and larvae using the baculovirus expression system, although protein yield and efficiency of capsid assembly have been highly variable. In this work, two ... -
Comparison of transient and stable expression of foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid proteins in mammalian cells
Mignaqui, Ana Clara; Ruiz, Vanesa; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Scientific Research, 2013-12)Foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagious disease that produces severe economic losses in the livestock industry. This disease is being controlled by the use of an inactivated vaccine. However, the use of recombinant ... -
Development and evaluation of a new lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies against African horse sickness and equine infectious anemia viruses
Costa, Sofia; Sastre, Patricia; Pérez, Teresa; Tapia, Istar; Barrandeguy, Maria Edith; Sanchez-Vizcaino, José Manuel; Sanchez-Matamoros, Almudena; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Sanz, Antonio; Rueda, Paloma (2016)African horse sickness (AHS) and equine infectious anemia (EIA) are both notifiable equid specific diseases that may present similar clinical signs. Considering the increased global movement of horses and equine products ... -
Development of a platform process for the production and purification of single‐domain antibodies
Crowell, Laura E.; Goodwine, Chaz; Sosa Holt, Carla Solange; Rocha, Lucía Alejandra; Vega, Celina Guadalupe; Rodriguez-Aponte, Sergio A.; Dalvie, Neil C.; Tracey, Mary Kate; Puntel, Mariana; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Parreño, Gladys; Love, Kerry R.; Cramer, Steven M.; Love, J. Christopher (Wiley, 2021-09)Single-domain antibodies (sdAbs) offer the affinity and therapeutic value of conventional antibodies, with increased stability and solubility. Unlike conventional antibodies, however, sdAbs do not benefit from a platform ... -
Development of an APC-targeted multivalent E2-based vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus types 1 and 2
Pecora, Andrea; Malacari, Darío Amilcar; Pérez Aguirreburualde, María Sol; Bellido, Demian; Nuñez, Maria del Carmen; Dus Santos, Maria Jose; Martínez Escribano, José Angel; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Elsevier, 2015-09)The aim of this study was to develop and test a multivalent subunit vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) based on the E2 virus glycoprotein belonging to genotypes 1a, 1b and 2a, immunopotentiated by targeting ... -
Development of an IgY-Based treatment to control bovine Coronavirus diarrhea in dairy calves
Bok, Marina; Vega, Celina Guadalupe; Castells, Matias; Colina, Rodney; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Parreño, Gladys Viviana (MDPI, 2023-03)Bovine Coronavirus (BCoV) is a major pathogen associated with neonatal calf diarrhea. Standard practice dictates that to prevent BCoV diarrhea, dams should be immunized in the last stage of pregnancy to increase BCoV-specific ... -
Development of recombinant VHH nanobodies as an alternative for clearance of equine arteritis virus in carrier stallions
Aduriz Guerrero, Matías; Carossino, Mariano; Go, Y.Y.; Vincke, Cécile; Balasuriya, Udeni B.R.; Muyldermans, S.; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Barrandeguy, Maria Edith; Parreño, Viviana (2016)In conclusion, a VHH library derived from llama B cells following immunization with EAV was generated. This novel strategy could allow the generation of EAV-specific neutralizing Nbs as a therapeutic approach to induce ... -
Efficacy of a BVDV subunit vaccine produced in alfalfa transgenic plants
Perez Aguirreburialde, Maria Sol; Gomez, Maria Cristina; Ostachuck, Agustín; Wolman, Federico Javier; Albanesi, Guillermo Luis; Pecora, Andrea; Odeon, Anselmo Carlos; Ardila, Fernando Jorge; Escribano, José M.; Dus Santos, Maria Jose; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Elsevier, 2013-02-15)Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is considered an important cause of economic loss within bovine herds worldwide. In Argentina, only the use of inactivated vaccines is allowed, however, the efficacy of inactivated BVDV ... -
The efficacy of ELISA commercial kits for the screening of equine infectious anemia virus infection = Eficacia de ensayos de ELISA comerciales para el screening de infección por el virus de la anemia infecciosa equina
Alvarez, Irene; Cipolini, Fabiana; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Trono, Karina Gabriela; Barrandeguy, Maria Edith (Elsevier España, 2015-03)The most used and reliable indicator of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) infection is the detection of its specific antibodies in horse serum. In the present study, the performance of two commercial ELISA tests for ... -
FMD empty capsids combined with the immunostant particle adjuvant -ISPA or ISA206 induce protective immunity against foot and mouth disease virus
Bidart, Juan Esteban; Mignaqui, Ana Clara; Kornuta, Claudia Alejandra; Lupi, Giuliana; Gammella, Mariela; Soria, Ivana; Galarza, Roxana Ivon; Ferella, Alejandra; Cardillo, Sabrina Beatriz; Langellotti, Cecilia Ana; Quattrocchi, Valeria; Durocher, Yves; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Marcipar, Ivan; Zamorano, Patricia Ines (Elsevier, 2021-05)Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) causes economy losses and is controlled by vaccination in many countries. Vaccine formulations based on empty capsids or Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) have the advantage of avoiding the ... -
Incubadoras de empresas en INTA: capacidades y resultados (2008-2022)
Méndez Isla, Malena; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Ediciones INTA, 2022-10)En el INTA, como en la gran mayoría de las instituciones públicas de investigación y desarrollo (I+D), los proyectos biotecnológicos suelen obtener resultados a escala de laboratorio. Por lo general se enmarcan como tesis ... -
Mecanismos involucrados en la duración de la respuesta inmune humoral al virus de la fiebre aftosa
Wigdorovitz, Andres (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1996)La fiebre aftosa constituye un serio problema sanitario que afecta a las especies biunguladas que genera severas consecuencias económicas a nivel mundial. Las vacunas formuladas con virus inactivado como antígeno (Ag) ... -
Minimally processed crude leaf extracts of Nicotiana benthamiana containing recombinant foot and mouth disease virus-like particles are immunogenic in mice
Ruiz, Vanesa; Baztarrica, Josefina; Rybicki, Edward P.; Meyers, Ann E.; Wigdorovitz, Andres (Elsevier, 2018-12)Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) remains one of the most feared viral diseases affecting cloven-hoofed animals, and results in severe economic losses. Currently available vaccines are based on inactivated FMD virus (FMDV). The ... -
Novel expression of immunogenic foot-and-mouth disease virus-like particles in Nicotiana benthamiana
Veerapen, Varusha Pillay; Van Zyl, Albertha R.; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Rybicki, Edward P.; Meyers, Ann E. (2018-01)Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals and is endemic in Africa, parts of South America and southern Asia. The causative agent, FMD virus (FMDV) is a member of the genus ... -
Passive immunity to control Bovine coronavirus diarrhea in a dairy herd in Argentina = Inmunidad pasiva en el control de la diarrea por coronavirus bovino en un rodeo lechero de Argentina
Bok, Marina; Alassia, Martín; Frank, Flavia; Vega, Celina Guadalupe; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Parreño, Viviana (2018)Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a viral enteric pathogen associated with calf diarrhea worldwide being, in Argentina, mostly detected in dairy husbandry systems. The aim of the present work was to study if maternal IgG1 ...