• Efficacy of chestnut and quebracho wood extracts to control Salmonella in poultry 

      Casanova, Natalia Andrea; Redondo, Leandro Martin; Redondo, Enzo Alejandro; Joaquim, Patricia Estefania; Dominguez, Johana Natali; Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique; Chacana, Pablo (Wiley, 2021-07)
      Aims: The study was aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activity and efficacy of chestnut and quebracho wood extracts against Salmonella by in vitro assays and in vivo trials. Methods and results: The extracts showed ...
    • Impact of chestnut and quebracho tannins on rumen microbiota of bovines 

      Diaz Carrasco, Juan María; Cabral, Claudio; Redondo, Leandro Martín; Pin Viso, Natalia Daniela; Colombatto, Darío; Farber, Marisa Diana; Fernandez Miyakawa, Mariano Enrique (Hindawi, 2017)
      The use of phytogenic dietary additives is being evaluated as a means to improve animal productivity. The effect of tannins seems to be the influence not only directly on the digestive process through binding of dietary ...