• Comparative histopathological and immunological study of two field strains of chicken anemia virus 

      Rimondi, Agustina; Pinto, Silvina; Olivera, Valeria Soledad; Dibarbora, Marina; Perez Filgueira, Daniel Mariano; Craig, María Isabel; Pereda, Ariel Julian (BioMed Central, 2014-10)
      Infection of poultry with chicken anemia virus (CAV) is implicated in several field problems in broiler flocks due to the immunosuppression generated and, consequently, the increased susceptibility to secondary infections. ...
    • Evasion of maternal antibody protection by an IBDV Argentine variant 

      Jaton, Juan Marcelo; Gomez, Evangelina Raquel; Lucero, Maria Soledad; Rizzi, Lucia; Gravisaco, María José; Pinto, Silvina; Berinstein, Analia; Chimeno Zoth, Silvina Andrea (Elsevier, 2024-03)
      Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is a viral disease that affects the ability of chickens to produce humoral immune responses. One way to prevent the disease is the passage of maternally derived antibodies (MDA) from dams ...
    • Plant-based vaccine candidate against Infectious bursal disease: an alternative to inactivated vaccines for breeder hens 

      Lucero, Maria Soledad; Richetta, Matias Daniel; Chimeno Zoth, Silvina Andrea; Jaton, Juan; Pinto, Silvina; Canet, Zulma Edith; Berinstein, Analia; Gomez, Evangelina Raquel (Elsevier, 2019-08)
      Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute, highly contagious immunosuppressive disease that affects young birds causing important economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide. Strict hygiene management together with ...
    • Study of coinfection with local strains of infectious bursal disease virus and infectious bronchitis virus in specific pathogen-free chickens 

      Jaton, Juan Marcelo; Gomez, Evangelina Raquel; Lucero, Maria Soledad; Gravisaco, María José; Pinto, Silvina; Vagnozzi, Ariel Eduardo; Craig, María Isabel; Di Giacomo, Sebastián; Berinstein, Analia; Chimeno Zoth, Silvina Andrea (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      Immunosuppressive diseases cause great losses in the poultry industry, increasing the susceptibility to infections by other pathogens and promoting a suboptimal response to vaccination. Among them, infectious bursal disease ...