• Saline and osmotic stress differentially affects apoplastic and intracellular reactive oxygen species production, curling and death of root hair during Glycine max L.–Bradyrhizobium japonicum interaction 

      Muñoz, Nacira Belen; Robert, German; Melchiorre, Mariana; Racca, Roberto Walter; Lascano, Hernan Ramiro (Elsevier, 2011-12-08)
      In the present study, the production of apoplastic and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and deformations of young soybean root hairs inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA138 were analyzed under ...
    • Salinity induced anatomical and morphological changes in Chloris gayana Kunth roots 

      Ceccoli, Gabriel; Ramos, Julio C.; Ortega, Leandro Ismael; Acosta, Juan M.; Perreta, Mariel Gladis (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2011)
      Chloris gayana Kunth is a grass species valuable as forage which was introduced into Argentina to be used as pasture in saline soils of subtropical and warm-temperate zones, given its good adaptability to drought, salinity ...
    • Salt glands in the Poaceae Family and their relationship to salinity tolerance 

      Céccoli, Gabriel; Ramos, Julio Cesar; Pilatti, Vanesa; Dellaferrera, Ignacio Miguel; Tivano, Juan; Taleisnik, Edith; Vegetti, Abelardo Carlos (Springer, 2015-06)
      The Poaceae is one of the most important Angiosperm families, in terms of morphological diversity, ecology and economic importance. Species within this family show a very wide variation in terms of salinity tolerance. Salt ...
    • Salt tolerance in Argentine weathgrass [Elymus scabrifolius (Döll) J.H. Hunz.] is related to shoot sodium exclusion 

      Zabala, Juan Marcelo; Marinoni, Lorena del Rosario; Taleisnik, Edith; Ribero, Gustavo; Schrauf, Gustavo Enrique (Wiley, 2020-06)
      This is the first report about Na and K fluxes and heritability of Na exclusion in the Elymus genus. Argentine wheatgrass (Elymus scabrifolius ) is an important forage genetic resource for saline environments. A previous ...
    • Salt tolerance variability among stress‐selected Panicum coloratum cv. Klein plants 

      Pittaro, Gabriela; Caceres, Leandro; Bruno, Cecilia Inés; Tomas, Maria Andrea; Bustos, Dolores Angela; Monteoliva, Mariela Ines; Ortega, Leandro Ismael; Taleisnik, Edith (Wiley; British Grassland Society; European Grassland Federation, 2016-11)
      This work assessed intracultivar variability for salt tolerance within Panicum coloratum cv. Klein, explored some physiological parameters potentially associated with it and evaluated the contribution of cell division and ...
    • "Una Salud”: una mirada necesaria para comprender y abordar las emergencias 

      Pereda, Ariel Julian (Ediciones INTA, 2022-05)
      La emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas, principalmente entre especies, y el intercambio de material genómico entre agentes infecciosos genera condiciones favorables para la aparición de nuevas variantes de mayor ...
    • Sample size for assessment of cladode brown spot in prickly pear cactus 

      Garcete-Gómez, José María; Conforto, Erica Cinthia; Domínguez-Monge, Santiago; Flores-Sánchez, Jorge Luis; Mora-Aguilera, Gustavo; Michereff, Sami Jorge (Springer, 2017-03-15)
      Cladode brown spot (CBS) is an important disease of prickly pear cactus (Nopalea cochenillifera) in Brazil. No standard method exists for sampling in the field. A study was conducted in 30 fields of prickly pear (cv. Miúda) ...
    • Sarcocystis spp. of new and old world camelids : ancient origin, present challenges 

      Wieser, Sara Nathaly; Giuliano, Susana M.; Reategui Ordoñez, Juan; Barriga Marcapura, Ximena; Olivera, Luis V. M.; Chavez Fumagalli, Miguel Angel; Schnittger, Leonhard; Florin-Christensen, Monica (MDPI, 2024-03)
      Sarcocystis spp. are coccidian protozoans belonging to the Apicomplexa phylum. As with other members of this phylum, they are obligate intracellular parasites with complex cellular machinery for the invasion of host cells. ...
    • SARS-CoV-2 RBD protein enhances the oncolytic activity of the vesicular stomatitis virus 

      Alkayyal, Almohanad A.; Ajina, Reham; Cacciabue, Marco Polo Domingo; Alkayyal, Aaesha A.; Saeedi, Nizar H.; Hussain Alshehry, Taofik; Kaboha, Feras; Alotaibi, Mohammed A.; Zaidan, Nada; Shah, Khalid; Alroqi, Fayhan; Bakur Mahmoud, Ahmad (Frontiers Media, 2023-01)
      Despite recent advances in the research on oncolytic viruses (OVs), a better understanding of how to enhance their replication is key to improving their therapeutic index. Understanding viral replication is important to ...
    • SARS-CoV-2 specific nanobodies neutralize different variants of concern and reduce virus load in the brain of h-ACE2 transgenic mice 

      Pavan, Florencia; Bok, Marina; Betanzos San Juan, Rafael; Malito, Juan Pablo; Marcoppido, Gisela Ariana; Franco, Diego Rafael; Militelo, Daniela Ayelen; Schammas, Juan Manuel; Bari, Sara Elizabeth; Stone, William B.; López, Krisangel; Porier, Danielle LaBrie; Muller, John Anthony; Auguste, Albert J.; Yuan, Lijuan; Wigdorovitz, Andres; Parreño, Gladys Viviana; Ibañez, Lorena Itat (MDPI, 2024-02)
      Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant need to develop antivirals and vaccines to combat the disease. In this work, we developed llama-derived nanobodies (Nbs) directed against the ...
    • Scenario tools in prospective: backcasting approach 

      Patrouilleau, Maria Mercedes (CIRAD, 2020-02)
      Esta presentación desarrolla un enfoque de prospectiva, conocido como “Backcasting”. Se llama así porque propone una lógica de análisis “de adelante hacia atrás”, razonando desde la imagen de futuro hasta el presente, ...
    • Science based criteria for a simplified risk assessment of genetic engineered crops developed using identical or similar constructs 

      Burachik, Moisés; Cuadrado, V.; Herrmann, Claudia; Junco, Mariano; Lede, S.; Lewi, Dalia Marcela; Maggi, Andrés; Meoniz, Ignacio Alberto; Noe, G.; Roca, Cecilia; Robredo, Claudio Gabriel; Rubinstein, Clara; Vicien, Carmen; Boari, P.; Lema, Martín; Whelan, Agustina (2016-08)
      Experience with Agricultural Biotechnology and the widespread adoption of different genetically engineered (GE) crops around the world has enabled breeders to develop different crops with similar phenotypic characteristics ...
    • Scientific note: first global report of a bee nest built only with plastic 

      Allasino, Mariana Laura; Marrero, Hugo Javier; Torretta, Juan Pablo; Dorado, Jimena (INRA, DIB; Springer-Verlag France, 2019-01-28)
      Agricultural plastic waste can alter wildlife diversity and behavior. Species survival will depend on their ability to adapt to new environmental conditions. In a seed-producing farm, a Megachile sp. nest made fully ...
    • Screening de malezas hospedantes de polymyxa sp presentes en campos de arroz (oryza sativa) 

      Solis, Valentina Eva; Celli, Marcos Giovani; Gutiérrez, S.A. (Asociación Argentina de Fitopatólogos, 2021-09-22)
      El entorchamiento del arroz” es una enfermedad causada por Rice Stripe Necrosis Virus ( que produce pérdidas económicas mportantes en el cultivo a nivel mundial El RSNV es transmitido por el protista Polymyxa graminis que ...
    • Screening for native Trichoderma strains as potential biocontrollers of the olive pathogen Verticillium dahliae 

      Carrasco, Franca Denise; Miranda, Victoria; Sede, Silvana M.; Bustos, Sebastian; González, Valeria; Otero, Maria Laura; Fracchia, Sebastián (Taylor and Francis, 2023-07-12)
      Verticillium dahliae is a soilborne pathogen that causes significant losses in olive crops in northwestern Argentina. Biological control through antagonistic microorganisms such as Trichoderma has great potential in the ...
    • Screening of chickpea germplasm for Ascochyta blight resistance under controlled environment 

      Pastor, Silvina Estela; Crociara, Clara Sonia; Valetti, Lucio; Peña Malavera, Andrea; Fekete, Ana Cecilia; Allende, María José; Carreras, Julia (Springer, 2022-01-13)
      Chickpea is the third most important grain legume in the world after common bean and pea. Ascochyta blight (AB) of chickpea, caused by Ascochyta rabiei, is the most damaging disease of this crop worldwide. Losses may reach ...
    • Searching for family farming in Argentina: chronicles of a technological innovation between two worlds 

      Goulet, Frédéric; Giordano, Gabriela (2017-12)
      This paper proposes a contribution to the analysis of the processes that accompany the increasing fragmentation of agricultural worlds between contrasting models of development. To this end, we examine an area that has ...
    • Seasonal variation in the odour characteristics of whole milk powder 

      Biolatto, Andrea; Grigioni, Gabriela Maria; Irurueta, Martin; Sancho, Ana Maria; Taverna, Miguel Angel; Pensel, Norma Ana (2006-09-28)
      Seasonal changes in whole milk powder odour characteristics were monitored using SPME-GC and E-nose methodologies. ANOVA showed a significant effect of the season on dimethyl sulphide, n-pentanal, n-hexanal, and butyric ...
    • Secretion systems of pathogenic escherichia coli 

      Navarro-García, Fernando; Ruiz-Perez, Fernando; Larzabal, Mariano; Cataldi, Angel Adrian (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
      Protein secretion plays a central role in modulating the interactions of bacteria with their environments. Bacterial ribosomes synthesize up to 8000 different proteins. Almost half of these become integrated in membranes ...
    • Secretome profile of Cellulomonas sp. B6 growing on lignocellulosic substrates 

      Piccinni, Florencia Elizabeth; Ontañon, Ornella Mailén; Ghio, Silvina; Sauka, Diego Hernan; Talia, Paola Mónica; Rivarola, Maximo Lisandro; Valacco, María Pía; Campos, Eleonora (Wiley; Society for Applied Microbiology, 2018-12)
      Aims: Lignocellulosic biomass deconstruction is a bottleneck for obtaining biofuels and value‐added products. Our main goal was to characterize the secretome of a novel isolate, Cellulomonas sp. B6, when grown on residual ...