Mostrando ítems 61-68 de 68

    • Sampling scheme optimization to map soil depth to petrocalcic horizon at field scale 

      Domenech, Marisa Beatriz; Castro Franco, Mauricio; Costa, Jose Luis; Amiotti, Nilda Mabel (2017-03-15)
      Soil depth has played a key role in the development of soil survey, implementation of soil-specific management and validation of hydrological models. Generally, soil depth at field scale is difficult to map due to complex ...
    • Modelling effective soil depth at field scale from soil sensors and geomorphometric indices 

      Castro Franco, Mauricio; Domenech, Marisa Beatriz; Costa, Jose Luis; Aparicio, Virginia Carolina (2017)
      The effective soil depth (ESD) affects both dynamic of hydrology and plant growth. In the southeast of Buenos Aires province, the presence of petrocalcic horizon constitutes a limitation to ESD. The aim of this study was ...
    • Edaphic forms of phosphorus in no-tillage cropping sequences in the Argentine southern central Pampas 

      Suñer, Liliana; García, Ramiro; Galantini, Juan Alberto; Forjan, Horacio Jose; Paz Gonzalez, Antonio (2018-08)
      Agriculture significantly affects phosphorus (P) availability, thereby modifying P equilibrium. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different crop sequences on the dynamics of soil P forms under no ...
    • A pedometric technique to delimitate soil-specific zones at field scale 

      Castro Franco, Mauricio; Córdoba, Mariano Augusto; Balzarini, Mónica Graciela; Costa, Jose Luis (2018-07)
      Delimitation of soil types within a farm field is key for site-specific crop management. An alternative to this, is to develop pedometric techniques that allow an efficient combination of soil survey information and ...
    • A spatial dataset of topsoil texture for the southern Argentine Pampas 

      Castro Franco, Mauricio; Domenech, Marisa Beatriz; Borda, Marta Renée; Costa, Jose Luis (2018-03)
      We produced a 1-km spatial resolution dataset of soil texture for the southern Argentine Pampas. Variables related to climate have higher prediction performance for soil texture. The soil texture varies gradually becoming ...
    • Evaluación de la calidad del trigo candeal (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum) en los programas de mejoramiento de Argentina 

      Molfese, Elena Rosa; Astiz, Valentina; Seghezzo, Maria Laura (Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2017-12)
      El Laboratorio de Calidad Industrial de Granos de la Chacra Experimental Integrada Barrow es el único laboratorio en Argentina con equipamiento y metodologías adecuadas para la selección de trigo candeal (Triticum turgidum ...
    • QTL analysis of main and epistatic effects for flour color traits in durum wheat 

      Roncallo, Pablo Federico; Cervigni, Gerardo Domingo Lucio; Jensen, Carlos Alberto; Miranda, Rubén; Carrera, Alicia Delia; Helguera, Marcelo; Echenique, Carmen Viviana (2012-05)
      The aim of this work was to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with flour yellow color (Fb*) and yellow pigment content (YPC) in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). Additionally, QTLs affecting flour ...
    • Occurrence and distribution of soil Fusarium species under wheat crop in zero tillage 

      Silvestro, Luciana Belén; Steinglein, Sebastian Alberto; Forjan, Horacio Jose; Dinolfo, María Inés; Arambarri, Angélica Margarita; Manso, Marina Lucrecia; Moreno, María Virginia (2013)
      The presence of Fusarium species in cultivated soils is commonly associated with plant debris and plant roots. Fusarium species are also soil saprophytes. The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence and distribution ...