Artículos científicos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 106
Un procedimiento de medición de la porosidad en cortes delgados de suelos.
(Interamerican Committee of Societies for Electron Microscopy, 2012)Una de las características relevantes de los suelos es la existencia de estructuras definidas por poros y agregados. Si bien se utilizan una gran variedad de técnicas para el estudio de la porosidad, el análisis de cortes ... -
Late quaternary paleosol records from sutropical (38°S) to tropical (16°S) South America and palaeoclimatic implications
(Elsevier, 2009-03-01)Loess and palaeosols in the subtropical lowlands of South America (∼23–38°S) have a large potential to serve as archives of Late Quaternary environmental and climate changes. At present, mean annual precipitation generally ... -
Late Quaternary environmental changes in Misiones, subtropical NE Argentina, deduced from multi-proxy geochemical analyses in a palaeosol-sediment sequence
(Elsevier, 2009-03-01)A 4.5-m-long sediment core from a small basin in the Province of Misiones, NE Argentina, was analyzed in a multi-proxy geochemical approach (major and minor elemental composition, Corg, N, HI, OI, δ13Corg, n-alkanes and ... -
New microscopic evidences of the autochthony of the ferrallitic pedological mantle in the Misiones province, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología (AAS), 2013-06-26)The Misiones province is characterized by a pedological mantle with Ultisols, Oxisols and Alfisols. This ferrallitic clayey material frequently shows one or more siliceous or ferruginous nodular "stony horizons" close to ... -
How to Improve Soil Anti-adhesion by studying the micro relief of the cuticle surface of digging beetles: Exploring the gromphas lacordairii (Oken, 1834) pronotum
(Oxford University Press, 2024-07-24)Some years ago, Tesouro et al. (2018) proposed a possible solution for decreasing adhesion of the soil particles to the surface components of agricultural machinery based on a biological system (biomimetic studies). This ... -
Servicios de los ecosistemas en áreas urbanas y periurbanas: su reconocimiento por distintos actores sociales.
(Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, 2023-05-01)En los ecosistemas urbanos y periurbanos residen millones de personas, ejerciendo una elevada presión sobre los recursos naturales, afectando su sustentabilidad. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas promueve, en los ... -
The objetives of agricultural engineering training in Argentina
(Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, 2023-02-01)This study analyses the curricular plans of the Agricultural Engineering Degree in the Republic of Argentina, focusing on the objectives of these training plans. It also identifies the fields of work for which their ... -
Landscape structure in urban and periurban areas in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (MRBA)
(University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Rumania, 2023)Urban and peri urban landscapes, as well as rural landscapes, exhibit diverse spatial patterns related to components or uses diversity (e.g: agricultural lots, forests, urban reserves, city settlements among others). ... -
Soil hydro-physical variables and crop residues determinate runoff soil loss, and glyphosate and AMPA concentration in the aqueous phase under simulated rainfall events
(Wiley, 2024-07-09)Soil structural degradation and water erosion processes were observed even in no-tillage schemes in the Pampas region. Within these conservation systems, agrochemical application per hectare is one of the highest globally. ... -
Topsoil hardening: effects on soybean root architecture and water extraction patterns
(Springer, 2020-09-01)Topsoil hardening is one of the major causes of poor root growth although its effects on subsoil roots are still not well-known. Our aim was to examine the effects of topsoil hardening on the growth and functioning of ... -
Comparación de indicadores de la desertificación en la Región Pampeana y en la frontera de expansión agropecuaria en la República Argentina = Desertification indicators comparison in Pampean Region and agricultural expansion frontier in the Argentine Republic
(Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2023-11-01)El proceso de desertificación se está generalizando en la Argentina. En la Región Pampeana y Extra Pampeana, la generalización del monocultivo de soja y el manejo no sustentable han aumentado el proceso de desertificación. ... -
Ecosystem Services and Economic Assessment of Land Uses in Urban and Periurban Areas
(Springer, 2020-02-07)This work quantified ecosystem services (ES) and the geographic gross product (GGP) at municipal level in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (MRBA), Argentina. The ES offer and GGP were evaluated for each land use ... -
Inclusion of Lotus tenuis in beef cattle systems in the Argentinian flooding pampa as an enteric methane mitigation strategy
(Taylor and Francis, 2024-04-01)While concerns about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and animal welfare persist, livestock farming offers unique ecosystem services. In Argentina, where livestock significantly contributes to GHG emissions, particularly ... -
Nitrification inhibitor addition to farm dairy effluent to reduce nitrous oxide emissions
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2024-03)Increasing the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers will be necessary to enhance grain and pasture yields to satisfy the growing world demand for food. Organic amendments, such as farm dairy effluents (FDE), are an alternative ... -
Roots are the key for soil C restoration: A comparison of land management in the semiarid Argentinean Pampa
(Elsevier, 2024-01-01)The objective of the study was to elucidate the relationship between soil management and carbon (C) stocks, and to identify the factors that intervene in the processes that favor C sequestration. The study was carried out ... -
Agriculturización en la cuenca alta del Río Luján
(Instituto de Investigaciones Geográficas, Universidad Nacional de Luján, 2023-07-27)El presente trabajo centra su análisis en el proceso de agriculturización ocurrido en las últimas décadas en la Pampa Ondulada, entendido de forma sintética como el reemplazo de la actividad ganadera por la actividad ... -
Soil shrinkage curves and micromorphology in contrasting managements.
(Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2020-06-01)Compaction processes are generally described using methods that do not distinguish volume changes of diffe rent types and pore sizes. The adjustment of shrinkage curves (ShC) using the XP model allows elucidation of the ... -
Soil nitrous oxide emissions from Eucalyptus plantation in Argentina
(Elsevier, 2020-10-01)Nitrous oxide has a key effect on global climate development and 53% of N2O total annual emissions are related to fluxes from the soil. Land use and soil characteristics affect N2O emissions. There are not enough assessments ... -
Eruption, transport mechanisms and deposition of Paleogene ignimbrites, southwestern North Patagonian Massif, Argentina
(Elsevier, 2023-11-01)The Paleocene-Eocene Catán Lil Ignimbrite (CLI) is one of the few occurrences within the explosive acid volcanism of this age in the extra-Andean region of the North Patagonian Massif. It represents a small-scale explosive ... -
Mapas de suelos afectados por sales en Argentina
(Red Argentina de Salinidad, 2022)Los suelos afectados por sales (SAS) se encuentran en todos los continentes y bajo casi todas las condiciones climáticas. Se trata de un grupo de suelos con muy diversas propiedades y cuyos rasgos en común son: i.- han ...