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Evaluación del esfuerzo físico del trabajo con motoguadaña en época calurosa
(Departamento de Ergonomía, Universidad de Concepción, 2024)A nivel mundial y en Argentina existen antecedentes de que las actividades en el agro son muy demandantes de esfuerzos físicos en los trabajadores. No se ha evaluado en las condiciones locales el trabajo con la motoguadaña. ... -
Integrated metabolomic, lipidomic and proteomic analysis define the metabolic changes occurring in curled areas in leaves with leaf peach curl disease
(Wiley, 2024-10)Peach Leaf Curl Disease, caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans, is characterized by reddish hypertrophic and hyperplasic leaf areas. To comprehend the biochemical imbalances caused by the disease an integrated approach ... -
Effect of Different Early-Season Sprays on Blossom Blight Incidence and Yield in Peach Orchards, San Pedro, Argentina
(International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), 2006)Blossom blight and fruit brown rot, caused by Monilinia laxa and M. fructicola cause high crop loss on peach orchards, in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Early season sprays are recommended to reduce blossom and twig ... -
The Effect of F516 (Pyraclostrobin + Anilide) on Brown Rot (Monilinia spp.) Control at Peach Orchards of San Pedro, Argentina
(International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), 2006)Brown rot is a major disease affecting peach orchards of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Carbendazim resistant Monilinia strains were found in several peach orchards of San Pedro, so the use of this fungicide is restricted ... -
Combined pre-storage heat treatment and controlled atmosphere storage reduced internal breakdown of ‘Flavorcrest’ peach
(Elsevier, 2007-05)Chilling injury is a limiting factor for commercial life of peach fruit (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch). High CO2 controlled atmosphere storage (CA) is a proven technology to overcome the disorder, while pre-storage heat ... -
Heat treatment of peach fruit: Modifications in the extracellular compartment and identification of novel extracellular proteins
(Elsevier, 2012-11)Ripening of peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) fruit is accompanied by dramatic cell wall changes that lead to softening. Post-harvest heat treatment is effective in delaying softening and preventing some chilling injury ... -
Características sensoriales y fisicoquímicas que limitan la aceptabilidad de duraznos de San Pedro, Buenos Aires = Sensory and physicochemical characteristics that limit acceptability of the peaches from San Pedro, Buenos Aires
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura (ASAHo), 2024-05)Cada año se introducen en el mercado un número considerable de cultivares de duraznos, con un amplio grado de variación en las características de la fruta. Aunque estas características pueden determinarse mediante análisis ... -
Extraction of bioactive compounds from pecan nutshell: an added-value and low-cost alternative for an industrial waste
(Elsevier, 2024-09)The pecan nutshell [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh) C. Koch] (PNS) is a source of bioactives with important beneficial properties for the human health. PNS represents between 40–50 % of total mass of the nut, resulting as ... -
Rendimiento de granos y componentes químicos de mostazas sembradas en Argentina = Grain yield and chemical components of mustards planted in Argentina
(Foro de la Alimentación, la Nutrición y la Salud (FANUS), 2023)El objetivo de este escrito es sistematizar los resultados de rendimientos de granos y análisis químicos de mostazas sembradas en Argentina, realizados en el marco del Proyecto Nacional de Aromáticas del INTA, entre los ... -
Uso de fosfitos como estrategia de control de podredumbre morena en durazneros
(Editorial Técnica Quatrebcn, 2024-01)Las nuevas estrategias de manejo de la podredumbre morena incluyen el uso de inductores como los fosfitos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de fosfitos potásicos y cálcicos sobre el crecimiento y reproducción ... -
Evaluación in vitro de alternativas a los productos cúpricos tradicionales para el control de Xanthomonas axonodis pv citri y Monilinia fructicola
(Editorial Técnica Quatrebcn, 2023)La mitigación de los efectos negativos de los fungicidas cúpricos incluyen su uso optimizado y la aplicación de alternativas. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto in vitro de productos cúpricos a base de ... -
ddRAD-seq variant calling in peach and the effect of removing PCR duplicates
(ISHS, 2022)Double digest RAD-seq (ddRAD-seq) is a flexible and cost-effective strategy that has emerged as one of the most popular genotyping approaches in plants. It relies on combining two restriction enzymes for library preparation ... -
Sensory acceptability of sweet potatoes: Influence of the cultivar, cooking method and the city
(Wiley, 2023-11)Background: This study aimed to evaluate the sensory acceptability of 4 sweet potato cultivars (Beauregard, Morada-INTA, Colorado-INTA and Arapey), considering two cooking methods: boiled and baked; and two cities, 9 de ... -
Prevención del dolor musculoesquelético en trabajadores de dos establecimientos hortícolas, en la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina
(Instituto Agrotécnico “Pedro M. Fuentes Godo”, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, 2023)No existen antecedentes de estimación de prevalencias de dolencias físicas en trabajadores hortícolas de Lavalle, Corrientes. Objetivos: estimar la prevalencia de los Desórdenes Músculo-Esqueléticos (DME) en la columna ... -
Effects of gamma irradiation on the sensory and metabolic profiles of two peach cultivars
(Wiley, 2023-05)Background. The suitability of commercial peaches for minimal processing (MP) is limited, mainly due to shortened shelf-life. Gamma irradiation has emerged in MP fruits as a promising technology. This study aimed to ... -
Influencia de las fechas de siembra sobre la productividad del cultivo de eneldo en invernadero en San Pedro, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Horticultura, 2023)El eneldo se usa como condimento en alimentos y tiene propiedades medicinales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la fecha de siembra óptima para el cultivo de eneldo en invernadero para su corte en fresco, en San ... -
Grape Stalk-Based Extracts Controlling Fruit Pathogenic Fungi as a Waste Biomass Valorization Alternative in Winemaking
(Springer, 2022)Grape stalks—the lignocellulosic skeleton of the grape raceme- are accumulated in massive piles immediately after harvest and become a concentrated pollutant. Fungi cause several rots in grapevine and other fruit cultivars ... -
Dynamics of Exposure to Rickettsia parkeri in Cattle in the Paraná River Delta, Argentina
(Oxford Academic Press, 2016-05)Several cases of human rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsia parkeri were recently documented in the Paraná River delta of Argentina, where the tick vector is Amblyomma triste Koch. As cattle suffer recurrent A. triste ... -
The genomic analysis of a wide peach germplasm collection revealed genetic relationships between European landraces and American ferals and landraces
(ISHS, 2022-12)The advance of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies allows the implementation of high-throughput genotyping at a reasonable cost. This open the possibility to learn more about phylogenetic relationships, genetic ... -
Arapey sweet potato peel waste as renewable source of antioxidant: extraction, nanoencapsulation and nanoadditive potential in films
(Springer, 2021)In this work, the peel of Arapey Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas), a vegetable waste, was used as a source of phenolic compounds which are widely recognized as beneficial antioxidants for human health. The extract obtained ...