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A whole plant analysis of the dynamics of expansion of individual leaves of two sunflower hybrids
Common features in the time-course of expansion of
leaves which considerably differed in final area, due
to phytomer position, growing conditions and geno type, were identified. Leaf development consisted of
two phases of exponential growth, followed by a
third phase of continuous decrease of the relative
expansion rate. The rate and the duration of the first
exponential phase were common to all phytomers,
growing conditions and genotypes. Leaves
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Common features in the time-course of expansion of
leaves which considerably differed in final area, due
to phytomer position, growing conditions and geno type, were identified. Leaf development consisted of
two phases of exponential growth, followed by a
third phase of continuous decrease of the relative
expansion rate. The rate and the duration of the first
exponential phase were common to all phytomers,
growing conditions and genotypes. Leaves differed
in the rate and the duration of the second exponen tial phase. The decrease of the relative expansion
rate during the third phase depended on neither gen otype nor growing conditions. It was phytomer dependent and was deduced from the rate of the sec ond phase via a parameter common to all cases stud ied. Differences in ®nal leaf area among growing
conditions were linked to different expansion rates
during the second exponential phase. The duration
of the phases at any given phytomer position was
the same for the two hybrids in different growing
conditions. The dates of developmental events (initi ation, end of the two exponential phases, full expan sion), and the rate of the second exponential phase,
were related to phytomer position, defining a strict
pattern of leaf development at the whole plant level.
Using this framework simplified the analysis of the
response of leaf expansion to genotype and environ ment.

Dosio, Guillermo;
Rey, Hervé;
Lecoeur, Jeremie;
Izquierdo, Natalia;
Aguirrezabal, Luis;
Tardieau, Fracois;
Turc, Oliver;
Journal of Experimental Botany 54 (392): 2541 -2552 ( November 2003)
Oxford University Press
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