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Effectiveness of Using Recycled Silo Bags for Weed Control through biosolarization = Efectividad del uso de silo bolsas para el control de malezas por biosolarización
Biosolarization is a sustainable alternative for soil disinfection that replaces chemical disinfectants in agriculture. This method involves covering the soil with transparent polyethylene to allow solar energy to pass through, thereby increasing the temperature. Organic matter is incorporated, which, upon decomposition, releases substances that control pests and weeds. Control can also be effective at sublethal temperatures with the use of black
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Biosolarization is a sustainable alternative for soil disinfection that replaces chemical disinfectants in agriculture. This method involves covering the soil with transparent polyethylene to allow solar energy to pass through, thereby increasing the temperature. Organic matter is incorporated, which, upon decomposition, releases substances that control pests and weeds. Control can also be effective at sublethal temperatures with the use of black polyethylene, such as silo bags, which block light.

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8th International Symposium on Biofumigation, Green Manures & Cover Crops = 8°Simposio internacional de biofumigación, abonos verdes y cultivos de cobertura. San Pedro, Buenos Aires, october 21st - 25th 2024.
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documento de conferencia
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