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Digital soil texture map of Argentina and their relationship to soil - forming factors and processes
Soil texture is determined by the parent material of the soil and the resulting pedogenetic processes. Because the spatial distribution of soil texture governs several soil physical and ofsoil profile database generate textural soil class map for the same soil dpths; and describe the distribution of soil texture in relation to different landscape units. We used 4663 soil texture observations and 64 environmental covariates to represent the soil forming
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Soil texture is determined by the parent material of the soil and the resulting pedogenetic processes. Because the spatial distribution of soil texture governs several soil physical and ofsoil profile database generate textural soil class map for the same soil dpths; and describe the distribution of soil texture in relation to different landscape units. We used 4663 soil texture observations and 64 environmental covariates to represent the soil forming factors (e.g., remote sensing data, climate data of geomorphology map). We modelled clay, silt, and sand at 0-15, 15-30, 30-60 and 60-100 cm, fraction. and empirical relationship with environmental covariates using Random Forest to predict their spatial distribution.
Finally we performance an analysis of uncertainty through repeated cross – validation. We observed model efficiency coefficient (MEC) value between 0.452 and 0.557, with and RMSE between 8.77% and 11.21% for the clay fraction. The MEC for the silt fraction ranged from 0.561 to 0.638 with and RMSE of 10.50% to 12.01% for sand fraction the MEC ranged from 0.587 to 0.640 with RMSE values between 16.19% and 16.76%. The general patterns of uncertainty are consistent with areas of limited data. Our resulys increased the quality, quantity and accessibility of information on soil texture in Argentina by providing new insights into both the distribution of parent materials and the intensity of pedogenetic processes in each region.

Editor - Compilador
Zinck, Joseph Alfred;
Metternicht, Graciela;
del Valle, Héctor Francisco;
Angelini, Marcos Esteban;
Geopedology. An Integration of Geomorphology and Pedology for Soil and Landscape Studies / Editors: Joseph Alfred Zinck, Graciela Metternicht, Héctor Francisco del Valle, Marcos Angelini. Springer, 2023. Chapter 14. p. 263-281
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