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Perception and awareness of circular economy options within sectors related to agriculture in Argentina [Submitted Version]
The current socio-economic model based on a linear approach is being challenged by resource scarcity, negative
environmental impacts and socio-economic constraints. Consequently, cycling approaches or circular economy
(CE) paradigm is gaining attention. Business as usual is no longer possible and the model and criteria proposed by
circular economy are a sustainable alternative that effectively couples natural with human-made systems. A model
in which
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The current socio-economic model based on a linear approach is being challenged by resource scarcity, negative
environmental impacts and socio-economic constraints. Consequently, cycling approaches or circular economy
(CE) paradigm is gaining attention. Business as usual is no longer possible and the model and criteria proposed by
circular economy are a sustainable alternative that effectively couples natural with human-made systems. A model
in which citizens in each of their social roles have a lot to say and do. However, implementation in Argentina is
very slow and it is only applied at some level by companies or in urban residues recycling in a small number of
cities. Additionally, social skepticism and lack of information about what circular economy embraces is still
perceived. The objective of this exploratory paper is to identify the present level of awareness, the current situation
and the expectations regarding the transition towards a circular economy approach within Argentina’s agricultural
sectors based on an opinion and perception survey. The aim of the study is to establish a baseline understanding
and an interpretative framework to aid researchers and policymakers in promoting and increasingly implementing
circular economy criteria in specific sectors. The study analyzes by a descriptive statistic a survey (n=534) of
selected actors related to the agricultural sector, i.e., farmers, agronomists (including agricultural engineers,
veterinarians, and biologists), agrifood companies, and also directly related sectors, such as education and public
administration. The anonymous questionnaire was divided into three parts: i) demographic characterization, ii)
general awareness about transition towards circular economy (concept, current situation, features, advantages,
drivers, obstacles and governance) within the region where the respondent operates, and iii) specific aspects within
each selected sector. Results showed that the selected sectors perceived a common vision about the concept of CE
“as a more sustainable production and consumption model”, and with some differences, they have mainly sensed
that the transformation process is still both not initiated and at its initial steps. Respondents selected to focus on
recycling/reusing as well as on the integration between productive units. Political, economic and environmental
awareness as well as technological skills have been chosen as barriers. Consequently, they chose to invest on
education and research, noticing the citizens/society as the main agent of transformation. Since the challenge is to
find organized and progressive steps to build interactions, programs, actions and legislation to favor the integral
(between sectors) and internal (within a sector) transition, indicators for monitoring as well as policies, priorities
and perspectives have been highlighted to contribute to boost the transformation towards a circularity approach.

Rotolo, Gloria Claudia;
Vasillo, Chiara;
Rodriguez Aranza, Ailén;
Magnano, Luciana;
Milo Vaccaro, Marcelo;
Civit, Bárbara María;
Covacevich, Melina Soledad;
Arena, Alejandro Pablo;
Ulgiati, Sergio;
European Commission via the Horizon 2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 Program, under Project Nº 823967 named “Promoting circular economy in the supply chain” (ProCEedS). -- European Commission’s research
program Horizon 2020-SC5-2020-2 scheme, Grant Agreement
101003491 (JUST Transition to the Circular Economy project).
Submitted version presentada a Journal of Cleaner Production
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