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Evaluation of serological response to foot-and-mouth disease vaccination in BLV infected cows
Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) produces disorders on the immune system in naturally infected animals, which may counteract the development of immunity after vaccination. The aim of this study was to investigate whether healthy and BLV infected cattle elicited similar humoral responses after foot and mouth disease (FMD) immunization. In a field study, 35 Holstein heifers were selected based on their BLV serological status and immunized with a single dose of a
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Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) produces disorders on the immune system in naturally infected animals, which may counteract the development of immunity after vaccination. The aim of this study was to investigate whether healthy and BLV infected cattle elicited similar humoral responses after foot and mouth disease (FMD) immunization. In a field study, 35 Holstein heifers were selected based on their BLV serological status and immunized with a single dose of a commercial bivalent oil-based FMD vaccine. Serum samples were collected at 0, 15, 60, 165 and 300 days post vaccination (dpv)

Puentes, Rodrigo;
De Brun, Laureana;
Algorta, Agustina;
Da Silva, Valeria;
Mansilla, Florencia Celeste;
Sacco, Gustavo;
Llambí, Silvia;
Capozzo, Alejandra Victoria;
BMC veterinary research 12:119. (2016)
1746-6148 (Online)
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