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A direct high-throughput in Cell-ELISA for measuring infectivity of cytopathic and non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhoea virus strains applied to the assessment of antiviral activity
Quintana, Maria Eugenia; Barone, Lucas; Forlenza, María Belén; Trotta, Myrian Vanesa; Turco, Cecilia; Mansilla, Florencia Celeste; Cardoso, Nancy Patricia; Capozzo, Alejandra Victoria (Elsevier, 2018-07-19)Low-cost high-throughput methods applicable to any virus strain are required for screening antiviral compounds against multiple field strains. Colorimetric cell-viability assays are used for this purpose as long as the ... -
Actividad del interferón de tipo III contra el virus de la diarrea viral bovina
Quintana, Maria Eugenia (Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2019)El Virus de la Diarrea Viral Bovina (VDVB) representa un importante desafío a nivel productivo debido a su carácter endémico a nivel mundial. La infección por el VDVB es altamente prevalente en la Argentina y provoca ... -
Fusion of foreign T-cell epitopes and addition of TLR agonists enhance immunity against Neospora caninum profilin in cattle
Mansilla, Florencia Celeste; Quintana, Maria Eugenia; Cardoso, Nancy; Capozzo, Alejandra (2016)We demonstrated recently that immunization with recombinant Neospora caninum profilin (rNcPRO) induces limited protection and a regulatory T-cell response in mice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immune response ... -
Immunization with Neospora caninum profilin induces limited protection and a regulatory T-cell response in mice
Mansilla, Florencia Celeste; Quintana, Maria Eugenia; Langellotti, Cecilia Ana; Wilda, Maximiliano; Martinez, Andrea; Fonzo, Adriana; Moore, Prando Dadin; Cardoso, Nancy; Capozzo, Alejandra (2016)Profilins are actin-binding proteins that regulate the polymerization of actin filaments. In apicomplexan parasites, they are essential for invasion. Profilins also trigger the immune response of the host by activating ... -
In-vivo activity of IFN-λ and IFN-α against bovine-viral-diarrhea virus in a mouse model
Quintana, Maria Eugenia; Barone, Lucas Jose; Trotta, Myrian Vanesa; Turco, Cecilia Soledad; Mansilla, Florencia Celeste; Capozzo, Alejandra; Cardoso, Nancy (Frontiers Media, 2020-02)Bovine-viral-diarrhea virus (BVDV) can cause significant economic losses in livestock. The disease is controlled with vaccination and bovines are susceptible until vaccine immunity develops and may remain vulnerable if a ... -
Interferon lambda protects cattle against bovine viral diarrhea virus infection
Quintana, Maria Eugenia; Cardoso, Nancy; Pereyra, Walter Rodrigo; Barone, Lucas Jose; Barrionuevo, Florencia Mariel; Mansilla, Florencia Celeste; Turco, Cecilia Soledad; Capozzo, Alejandra (Elsevier, 2020-12)Interferon lambda (IFN-λ) plays an important role in inducing an antiviral state in mucosal surfaces and has been used as an effective biotherapeutic against several viral diseases. Here we performed a proof of concept ... -
Structure-based drug design for envelope protein E2 uncovers a new class of bovine viral diarrhea inhibitors that block virus entry
Pascual, María José; Merwaiss, Fernando; Leal, Emilse Soledad; Quintana, Maria Eugenia; Capozzo, Alejandra Victoria; Cavasotto, Claudio Norberto; Bollini, Mariela; Alvarez, Diego Ezequiel (Elsevier, 2018-01)Antiviral targeting of virus envelope proteins is an effective strategy for therapeutic intervention of viral infections. Here, we took a computer-guided approach with the aim of identifying new antivirals against the ...