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Aplicaciones de genética ecológica en poblaciones de insectos
Soliani, Carolina; De La Vega, Gerardo; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Martinez, Andres; Pietrantuono, Ana Laura; Porrino, Agustina Paula; Stazione, Leonel Daniel; Corley, Juan Carlos (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche, INTA, 2023-07)La ecología y la genética de poblaciones brindan herramientas de estudio que nos permiten conocer aspectos biológicos clave para entender la dinámica poblacional de los insectos dentro de un ecosistema. Esta información ... -
Bosques conciencia
Soliani, Carolina; Pietrantuono, Ana Laura (Ediciones INTA, 2014)Este libro está dirigido a niños de 11 años en adelante y está pensando como una introducción a la temática de la protección de bosques y de sus especies nativas. Nahuel y Betina, los protagonistas de esta historia, ... -
Clinal variation along precipitation gradients in Patagonian temperate forests: unravelling demographic and selection signatures in three Nothofagus spp.
Soliani, Carolina; Azpilicueta, Maria Marta; Arana, María Veronica; Marchelli, Paula (Springer Nature, 2020-01-10)Past demographic changes and current selection pressures determine the genetic variation displayed by Nothofagus species along rainfall gradients. Based on the diversity trends observed at candidate genes associated to ... -
Data Set: Nothofagus pumilio - extremes of an elevation gradient located in Challhuaco Valley; Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina [Conjunto de datos]
Soliani, Carolina; Aparicio, Alejandro Gabriel (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche, INTA, 2018)Supplementary information of the: Carolina Soliani & Alejandro G. Aparicio (2020): Evidence of genetic determination in the growth habit of Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Krasser at the extremes of an elevation gradient, ... -
Different drought‑adaptive capacity of a native Patagonian tree species (Nothofagus pumilio) resulting from local adaptation
Soliani, Carolina; Mattera, María Gabriela; Marchelli, Paula; Azpilicueta, Maria Marta; Dalla Salda, Guillermina (Springer, 2021-06)The resistance of different genotypes to abiotic stress may be due to genetic effects and/or to phenotypic plasticity allowing them to acclimate to variable conditions. The contribution of one or the other mechanism ... -
Ensamblado del transcriptoma de novo y análisis de expresión diferencial de genes en respuesta al estrés hídrico en Nothofagus alpina
Lopez Laphitz, Rita Maria; Arana, María Veronica; Varela, Santiago Agustin; Becker, Leandro Aníbal; Soliani, Carolina; Azpilicueta, Maria Marta; Marchelli, Paula; Bellora, Nicolás (Red Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología Forestal, 2023-03)Los bosques cumplen un rol de importancia en la regulación de las temperaturas y el ciclo del agua a través de la evapotranspiración (ET) el cual está siendo afectado por escenarios de recurrentes sequías (Diao et al. ... -
Evidence of genetic determination in the growth habit of Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Krasser at the extremes of an elevation gradient
Soliani, Carolina; Aparicio, Alejandro Gabriel (Taylor & Francis, 2020)In temperate mountainous regions, altitudinal clines in tree size and growth habit develop from a gradual adjustment of multiple traits to tolerate harshening conditions with altitude. We perform a common garden trial with ... -
Genetic assessment of the invasion history of Drosophila suzukii in Argentina
De La Vega, Gerardo; Corley, Juan Carlos; Soliani, Carolina (Springer Nature, 2019-08)Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is a highly polyphagous fruit pest native to eastern Asia, which in the last decade had widely expanded its range and become a serious pest in the Americas and Europe. Invasion ... -
Genetic diversity and population structure in Nothofagus pumilio, a foundation species of Patagonian forests: defining priority conservation areas and management
Mattera, María Gabriela; Pastorino, Mario Juan; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Marchelli, Paula; Soliani, Carolina (Springer Nature, 2020-11)Patagonian forests are the southernmost temperate forests in the world, and Nothofagus pumilio is one of their most ecologically important tree species (i.e., a foundation species). It presents great adaptability and a ... -
Genomic responses to climate: Understanding local adaptation in the Andean tree species Nothofagus pumilio and implications for a changing world
Sekely, Jill; Marchelli, Paula; Arana, María Veronica; Dauphin, Benjamin; Mattera, Maria Gabriela; Pastorino, Mario Juan; Scotti, Ivan; Soliani, Carolina; Heer, Katrin; Opgenoorth, Lars (Wiley, 2024-03)Nothofagus pumilio is a foundation tree species that inhabits a 2000-km-long range in the southern Andes, a region with two perpendicular environmental gradients: temperature and photoperiod (North–South), and precipitation ... -
Halfway encounters: Meeting points of colonization routes among the southern beeches Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica
Soliani, Carolina; Tsuda, Yoshiaki; Bagnoli, Francesca; Gallo, Leonardo Ariel; Vendramin, Giovanni Giuseppe; Marchelli, Paula (2015-04)The Patagonian region is characterized by a complex biogeographic history, with evidence of deep phylogeographic breaks shared among species. Of particular interest to conservation is the nature of colonization and settlement ... -
Logging by selective extraction of best trees: Does it change patterns of genetic diversity? : The case of Nothofagus pumilio
Soliani, Carolina; Gallo, Leonardo Ariel; Marchelli, Paula; Vendramin, Giovanni Giuseppe (2016)Un amplio conocimiento de las consecuencias ecológicas y genéticas de la aplicación de las prácticas de gestión en los ecosistemas naturales es de fundamental importancia para las acciones de conservación. El principal ... -
Molecular bases of responses to abiotic stress in trees
Estravis Barcala, Maximiliano; Mattera, María Gabriela; Soliani, Carolina; Bellora Pereyra, Nicolás; Opgenoorth, Lars; Heer, Katrin; Arana, María Veronica (Oxford University Press, 2020-06)Trees are constantly exposed to climate fluctuations, which vary with both time and geographic location. Environmental changes that are outside of the physiological favorable range usually negatively affect plant performance ... -
Neutral and adaptive variation in the most widely distributed native tree species in Patagonia: on the way to defining provenance regions for Nothofagus pumilio
Mattera, María Gabriela; Torres, Ana Delia; Soliani, Carolina; Aparicio, Alejandro Gabriel; Marchelli, Paula; Pastorino, Mario Juan (2018-09)In our ongoing project, we aim to define Provenance Regions (PR) for the species along its distribution range in Argentina, from 36º S to 55º S. We propose the combination of neutral genetic variation with quantitative ... -
Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica: The Most Widely Distributed and Cold-Tolerant Southern Beeches in Patagonia
Soliani, Carolina; Marchelli, Paula; Mondino, Victor Alejandro; Pastorino, Mario Juan; Mattera, María Gabriela; Gallo, Leonardo Ariel; Aparicio, Alejandro Gabriel; Torres, Ana Delia; Tejera, Eduardo; Schinelli Casares, Teresa (Springer, 2021)Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Krasser, known as lenga, and Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forster) Oerster, commonly called ñire, are tree species of the temperate forests of southern South America, occurring in temperate-rainy ... -
Phylogeography of two hybridizing southern beeches (Nothofagus spp.) with different adaptive abilities
Soliani, Carolina; Gallo, Leonardo Ariel; Marchelli, Paula (Springer, 2011-12-17)In phylogenetically related plant species, hybridization can influence their current genetic structure. Long-lasting hybridization may be related to persistence in shared glacial refugia, where the differential abilities ... -
Predicting the distribution of plant species from southern South America: are the hotspots of genetic diversity threatened by climate change?
Soliani, Carolina; Ceccarelli, Viviana; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Thomas, Evert; Marchelli, Paula (Springer, 2024-01)Biodiversity in all its dimensions is being threatened by climate change and the impact of human activities. Genetic diversity is a key dimension of biodiversity underlying adaptation to global changes. Here we assess the ... -
Temperature and day length drive local adaptation in the Patagonian foundation tree species Nothofagus pumilio
Sekely, Jill; Marchelli, Paula; Arana, María Veronica; Dauphin, Benjamin; Mattera, Maria Gabriela; Pastorino, Mario Juan; Scotti, Ivan; Soliani, Carolina; Heer, Katrin; Opgenoorth, Lars (BioRxiv, 2023-04-29)Climate change alters relationships among environmental conditions and thus has the potential to change the selection pressures acting on adaptive gene variants. Using a landscape genomic approach, we show that the southern ... -
Transcriptomic responses to drought stress in the Patagonian southern beech Nothofagus alpina
Lopez Laphitz, Rita Maria; Arana, María Veronica; Varela, Santiago Agustin; Becker, Leandro Aníbal; Soliani, Carolina; Azpilicueta, Maria Marta; Marchelli, Paula; Bellora, Nicolás (Springer Open, 2024-05)Background: Deciphering the genetic architecture of drought tolerance could allow the candidate genes identification responding to water stress. In the Andean Patagonian forest, the genus Nothofagus represents an ecologically ... -
Worldwide diversity of endophytic fungi and insects associated with dormant tree twigs
Franic, Iva; Prospero, Simone; Adamson, Kalev; Corley, Juan Carlos; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Soliani, Carolina; Eschen, René (Springer, 2022-03)International trade in plants and climate change are two of the main factors causing damaging tree pests (i.e. fungi and insects) to spread into new areas. To mitigate these risks, a large-scale assessment of tree-associated ...