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Bases fisiológicas y moleculares asociadas al establecimiento de plántulas de Nothofagus en ambientes naturales
Cagnacci, Julieta Maria (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2022)Las proyecciones para el Cambio Climático Global (CCG) en Patagonia norte indican un aumento de la temperatura y disminución de las precipitaciones, así como también un incremento en la ocurrencia de fenómenos extremos. ... -
Circadian oscillation of gibberellin signaling in Arabidopsis
Arana, María Veronica; Marín de la Rosa, Nora; Maloof, Julin N.; Blazquez, Miguel Angel; Alabadí, David (National Academy of Sciences, 2011-05)Circadian clocks are endogenous timekeeping mechanisms that allow organisms to anticipate rhythmic, daily environmental changes. Temporal coordination of transcription results in a set of gene expression patterns with ... -
Clinal variation along precipitation gradients in Patagonian temperate forests: unravelling demographic and selection signatures in three Nothofagus spp.
Soliani, Carolina; Azpilicueta, Maria Marta; Arana, María Veronica; Marchelli, Paula (Springer Nature, 2020-01-10)Past demographic changes and current selection pressures determine the genetic variation displayed by Nothofagus species along rainfall gradients. Based on the diversity trends observed at candidate genes associated to ... -
Coirón blanco: primeros pasos en la domesticación de una especie clave de los pastizales patagónicos
Lopez, Aldana Soledad; Siffredi, Guillermo Lorenzo; Azpilicueta, Maria Marta; Arana, María Veronica; Caballe, Gonzalo; Lopez, Dardo Ruben; Marchelli, Paula (Ediciones INTA, 2018-12)Los pastizales naturales son el principal componente forrajero en Patagonia Norte. La ganadería extensiva con suplementación en períodos críticos, la baja cobertura vegetal del suelo y el efecto del viento aumentan el ... -
Cryptochromes are the dominant photoreceptors mediating heliotropic responses of Arabidopsis inflorescences
Serrano, Alejandro Miguel; Vanhaelewyn, Lucas; Vandenbussche, Filip; Boccalandro, Hernan Esteban; Maldonado, Belén; Van Der Straeten, Dominique; Ballaré, Carlos Luis; Arana, María Veronica (Wiley, 2021-10)Inflorescence movements in response to natural gradients of sunlight are frequently observed in the plant kingdom and are suggested to contribute to reproductive success. Although the physiological and molecular bases of ... -
Deciphering the transcriptomic regulation of heat stress responses in Nothofagus pumilio
Estravis Barcala, Maximiliano; Heer, Katrin; Marchelli, Paula; Ziegenhagen, Birgit; Arana, María Veronica; Bellora Pereyra, Nicolás (Plos One, 2021-03-30)Global warming is predicted to exert negative impacts on plant growth due to the damaging effect of high temperatures on plant physiology. Revealing the genetic architecture underlying the heat stress response is therefore ... -
Deciphering the transcriptomic regulation of heat stress responses in Nothofagus pumilio
Estravis Barcala, Maximiliano; Herr, Katrin; Marchelli, Paula; Ziegenhagen, Birgit; Arana, María Veronica; Bellora Pereyra, Nicolás (Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2021-03)Global warming is predicted to exert negative impacts on plant growth due to the damaging effect of high temperatures on plant physiology. Revealing the genetic architecture underly ing the heat stress response is therefore ... -
Differential UVR8 Signal across the Stem Controls UV-B–Induced Inflorescence Phototropism
Vanhaelewyn, Lucas; Viczián, András; Prinsen, Els; Bernula, Péter; Serrano, Alejandro Miguel; Arana, María Veronica; Ballaré, Carlos Luis; Nagy, Ferenc; Van Der Straeten, Dominique; Vandenbussche, Filip (The American Society of Plant Biologists, 2019-09)In the course of evolution, plants have developed mechanisms that orient their organs toward the incoming light. At the seedling stage, positive phototropism is mainly regulated by phototropin photoreceptors in blue and ... -
Effect of temperature on circadian clock functioning of trees in the context of global warming
Estravis Barcala, Maximiliano; Gaischuk, Sofia; Gonzalez Polo, Marina; Martinez Meier, Alejandro; Gutiérrez, Rodrigo A.; Yanovsky, Marcelo J.; Bellora Pereyra, Nicolás; Arana, María Veronica (Wiley, 2025-01)Plant survival in a warmer world requires the timely adjustment of biological processes to cyclical changes in the new environment. Circadian oscillators have been proposed to contribute to thermal adaptation and plasticity. ... -
Ensamblado del transcriptoma de novo y análisis de expresión diferencial de genes en respuesta al estrés hídrico en Nothofagus alpina
Lopez Laphitz, Rita Maria; Arana, María Veronica; Varela, Santiago Agustin; Becker, Leandro Aníbal; Soliani, Carolina; Azpilicueta, Maria Marta; Marchelli, Paula; Bellora, Nicolás (Red Argentina de Ciencia y Tecnología Forestal, 2023-03)Los bosques cumplen un rol de importancia en la regulación de las temperaturas y el ciclo del agua a través de la evapotranspiración (ET) el cual está siendo afectado por escenarios de recurrentes sequías (Diao et al. ... -
Environmental gradients as “natural labs” for elucidating the regeneration dynamics of three Nothofagus species under different climatic scenarios in Patagonia
Cagnacci, Julieta Maria; Estravis Barcala, Maximiliano; Gonzalez-Polo, Marina; Marchelli, Paula; Pastorino, Mario Juan; Martinez Meier, Alejandro; Batlla, Diego; Arana, María Veronica (2018-09)We work in Patagonian forests, the southernmost woody ecosystems of the world, in which three tree species have a clear altitudinal distribution. Nothofagus obliqua is frequent at 650-850 m above the sea level, N. nervosa ... -
Following the star: Inflorescence heliotropism
Serrano, Alejandro M.; Arana, María Veronica; Vanhaelewyn, Lucas; Ballare, Carlos Luis; Van Der Straeten, Dominique; Vandenbussche, Filip (Elsevier, 2018-03)Plant movements in response to directional solar radiation, known as “heliotropism” are frequently observed in nature. Although there is a considerable amount of literature on these movements in vegetative organs, knowledge ... -
Functional diversity of phytochrome family in the control of light and gibberellin-mediated germination in Arabidopsis
Arana, María Veronica; Sanchez Lamas, Maximiliano; Strasser, B.; Ibarra, Silvia E.; Cerdan, Pablo Diego; Botto, Juan Francisco; Sanchez, Rodolfo Augusto (Wiley, 2014-03)In several species, seed germination is regulated by light in a way that restricts seedling emergence to the environmental conditions that are likely to be favourable for the success of the new individual, and therefore, ... -
Genomic responses to climate: Understanding local adaptation in the Andean tree species Nothofagus pumilio and implications for a changing world
Sekely, Jill; Marchelli, Paula; Arana, María Veronica; Dauphin, Benjamin; Mattera, Maria Gabriela; Pastorino, Mario Juan; Scotti, Ivan; Soliani, Carolina; Heer, Katrin; Opgenoorth, Lars (Wiley, 2024-03)Nothofagus pumilio is a foundation tree species that inhabits a 2000-km-long range in the southern Andes, a region with two perpendicular environmental gradients: temperature and photoperiod (North–South), and precipitation ... -
Germination response to water availability in populations of Festuca pallescens along a Patagonian rainfall gradient based on hydrotime model parameters
Lopez, Aldana Soledad; Lopez, Dardo Ruben; Arana, María Veronica; Battla, Diego; Marchelli, Paula (Springer Nature, 2021-05)Sensitivity to water availability is a key physiological trait for grassland species located in arid and semiarid environments, where successful germination is closely related to rainfall dynamics. Festuca pallescens ... -
High genetic variation in marginal fragmented populations at extreme climatic conditions of the Patagonian Cypress Austrocedrus chilensis
Arana, María Veronica; Gallo, Leonardo Ariel; Vendramin, Giovanni Giuseppe; Pastorino, Mario Juan; Sebastiani, Federico; Marchelli, Paula (Elsevier, 2010-03)Knowledge about current patterns of genetic structure of populations together with the evolutionary history of a species helps to understand and predict the adaptation of populations to future climate change. We assayed ... -
Integrating circadian and gibberellin signaling in Arabidopsis : Possible links between the circadian clock and the AtGID1 transcription
Marín de la Rosa, Nora; Alabadí, David; Blázquez, Miguel Ángel; Arana, María Veronica (Taylor & Francis, 2011-09)The circadian clock acts as central coordinator of plant activity, and it regulates key traits for plant fitness such as flowering time, gas exchange, growth and stress responses. In the May issue of the Proceedings of the ... -
Latencia y germinación de semillas. Tratamientos pregerminativos
Varela, Santiago Agustin; Arana, María Veronica (EEA Bariloche, INTA, 2011-03)Las semillas de la mayor parte de las plantas no germinan inmediatamente después de la maduración. En la madurez entran en un estado de latencia de duración variada según la especie, latencia que puede durar desde unas ... -
Melatonin in Arabidopsis thaliana acts as plant growth regulator at low concentrations and preserves seed viability at high concentrations
Gatica Hernandez, Ismaél Jairo Gabriel; Gomez, Federico José Vicente; Cerutti, Estela Soledad; Arana, María Verónica; Silva, María Fernanda (2015-09)Since the discovery of melatonin in plants, several roles have been described for different species, organs, and developmental stages. Arabidopsis thaliana, being a model plant species, is adequate to contribute to the ... -
Molecular bases of responses to abiotic stress in trees
Estravis Barcala, Maximiliano; Mattera, María Gabriela; Soliani, Carolina; Bellora Pereyra, Nicolás; Opgenoorth, Lars; Heer, Katrin; Arana, María Veronica (Oxford University Press, 2020-06)Trees are constantly exposed to climate fluctuations, which vary with both time and geographic location. Environmental changes that are outside of the physiological favorable range usually negatively affect plant performance ...