• A hard-to-keep promise: Vegetation use and aboveground carbon storage in silvopastures of the Dry Chaco 

      Fernandez, Pedro David; de Waroux, Yann le Polain; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel; Loto, Dante E.; Gasparri, Néstor Ignacio (Elsevier, 2020-11-01)
      In dry woodland regions, silvopastures have emerged as a promising option to balance cattle production, carbon storage and biodiversity. However, one of the major challenges in these systems, particularly when implemented ...
    • Agricultural expansion and the ecological marginalization of forest-dependent people 

      Levers, Christian; Romero-Muñoz, Alfredo; Baumann, Matthias; De Marzo, Teresa; Fernandez, Pedro David; Gasparri, Nestor Ignacio; Gavier Pizarro, Gregorio Ignacio; de Waroux, Yann le Polain; Piquer Rodríguez, María; Semper Pascual, Asunción; Kuemmerle, Tobias (National Academy of Sciences, 2021-11-02)
      Agricultural expansion into subtropical and tropical forests causes major environmental damage, but its wider social impacts often remain hidden. Forest-dependent smallholders are particularly strongly impacted, as they ...
    • Beyond pastures, look at plastic: Using Sentinel-2 imagery to map silage bags to improve understanding of cattle intensity 

      Fernandez, Pedro David; Gärtner, Phillipp; Nasca, Jose Andres; Rojas, Tobias; Gasparri, Nestor Ignacio (Elsevier, 2023-01-10)
      Cattle ranching has increased globally in the last decades, and although pasture expansion is well documented across different regions, there is little understanding of the intensity at which cattle operate in these areas. ...
    • Carbon Sequestration in Temperate Silvopastoral Systems, Argentina 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Banegas, Natalia Romina; Gasparri, Néstor Ignacio; Carranza, Carlos; Rossner, Maria Belen; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José; Cavallero, Laura; Lopez, Dardo Ruben; Loto, Dante; Fernandez, Pedro David; Powel, Priscila; Ledesma, Marcela; Pedraza, Raúl; Albanesi de Garay, Ada Susana; Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Eclesia, Roxana Paola; Piñeiro, Gervasio (Springer, 2017)
      Silvopastoral systems (SPS) provide a wide range of non-provisioning ecosystem services including carbon (C) sequestration. Well-managed SPS outperform both grasslands/pastures and forests in terms of C by increasing soil ...
    • Carbon Storage in Silvopastoral Systems and Other Land Uses, Argentina 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Nosetto, Marcelo Daniel; Fernandez, Pedro David; Eclesia, Roxana Paola; Banegas, Natalia Romina; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel; Aravena Acuña, Marie Claire; Chaves, Jimena Elizabeth; Canavelli, Sonia Beatriz; Lezana, Lucrecia; Murray, Francisco; Toro Manríquez, Mónica D.R.; Nanni, Ana Sofía; Huertas Herrera, Alejandro; Martínez Pastur, Guillermo José (Springer, 2024-06-26)
      Silvopastoral systems (SPS) provide a range of ecosystem services, including carbon (C) sequestration. Well-managed SPS outperform grasslands, pastures, and forests in terms of C through increased soil and biomass storage. ...
    • Distribución espacial y controles ambientales de las represas (tajamares) en el Chaco Árido 

      Niborski, Marcos Javier; Murray, Francisco; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel; Nosetto, Marcelo Daniel; Fernandez, Pedro David; Castellanos, George; Magliano, Patricio Nicolás (Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2022-02-24)
      Las regiones áridas tienen déficit hídrico a lo largo de todo el año, lo cual limita el crecimiento de la vegetación y la provisión de agua para bebida animal. El Chaco Árido (~10 Mha) sostiene una producción ganadera ...
    • Grasslands and Open Savannas of the Dry Chaco 

      Fernandez, Pedro David; Baumann, Mathias; Baldi, Germán; Banegas, Natalia Romina; Bravo, Sandra; Gasparri, Nestor Ignacio; Lucherini, Mauro; Marinaro, Sofia; Nanni, Ana Sofía; Nasca, Jose Andres; Tessi, Torcuato; Grau, Hector Ricardo (Elsevier, 2020-06-26)
      The Dry Chaco is mostly known as a forested ecosystem. However it includes natural grasslands, savannas, scrublands, and wetlands. With one of the highest global deforestation rates in the last two decades and only 12% of ...
    • Secuestro de carbono en sistemas silvopastoriles templados, Argentina = Carbon sequestration in temperate silvopastoral systems, Argentina 

      Peri, Pablo Luis; Banegas, Natalia Romina; Gasparri, Néstor Ignacio; Carranza, Carlos; Rossner, Maria Belen; Martinez Pastur, Guillermo José; Cavallero, Laura; Lopez, Dardo Ruben; Loto, Dante; Fernandez, Pedro David; Powel, Priscila; Ledesma, Marcela; Pedraza, Raúl; Albanesi de Garay, Ada Susana; Bahamonde, Héctor Alejandro; Eclesia, Roxana Paola; Piñeiro, Gervasio (Ediciones INTA, 2018-10-31)
      El cambio climático global es uno de los principales problemas que enfrenta el mundo de hoy. Algunas manifestaciones de dicho cambio son el incremento de cerca de medio grado centígrado desde el siglo pasado, y cambios en ...
    • Understanding the distribution of cattle production systems in the South American Chaco 

      Fernandez, Pedro David; Kuemmerle, Tobias; Baumann, Matthias; Grau, Héctor Ricardo; Nasca, Jose Andres; Radrizzani Bonadeo, Alejandro; Gasparri, Néstor Ignacio (Taylor and Francis, 2020-02-11)
      Impacts of cattle production vary among different production systems, but data on their distribution is scarce for most world regions. In this work, we combine datasets on cattle vaccination locations and land cover in a ...