• Changes of starch composition by postflowering environmental conditions in kernels of maize hybrids with different endosperm hardness 

      Martinez, Roberto Dionisio; Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel; Cerrudo, Ani­bal Alejandro; Andrade, Fernando Héctor; Reinoso, Luis; Valentinuz, Oscar Rodolfo; Balbi, Celsa Noemí; Izquierdo, Natalia Gabriela (2017-05)
      Starch composition of maize grains is of great importance when used in animal feed and many processing industries. Maize production involves hybrids with different kernel composition and hardness, sown at areas that range ...
    • Contribution of tillers to maize yield stability at low plant density 

      Massigoge, Ignacio; Ross, Fernando; Fernandez, Javier A.; Echarte, Laura; Ciampitti, Ignacio A.; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro (Wiley, 2022-08)
      One of the main challenges of using low plant densities in restrictive and variable environments is to maximize the use of resources in better-than-expected years. The adoption of prolific genotypes has addressed part of ...
    • Critical period for seed number determination in soybean as determined by crop growth rate, duration, and dry matter accumulation 

      Monzon, Juan Pablo; Cafaro La Menza, Nicolás; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Canepa, Matías; Rattalino Edreiraa, Juan Ignacio; Spechta, James; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Grassinia, Patricio (Elsevier, 2020-12-13)
      Seed number (SN) is positively associated with aboveground dry matter (ADM) accumulation in most crop species. In soybean, there are discrepancies among studies relative to the start and end of the critical period for seed ...
    • Densidad de plantas 

      Vega, Claudia Rosa Cecilia; Maddonni, Gustavo; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Andrade, Fernando Hector (MAIZAR, Asociación Maíz y Sorgo Argentino, 2023)
      La densidad de plantas debe ajustarse a cada ambiente para maximizar el rendimiento, para hacer un uso eficiente del insumo semilla y para asegurar la integridad del cultivo en la cosecha. En este capítulo, nos centraremos ...
    • Discriminating post-silking environmental effects on starch composition in maize kernels 

      Martínez, Roberto D.; Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Izquierdo, Natalia Gabriela (Elsevier, 2019-05)
      Maize (Zea mays L.) endosperms with high amylose proportion are harder and denser than endosperms with low amylose. Environmental conditions could affect amylose/starch ratio. The purpose of this work was to prove the ...
    • Does the photo-thermal environment limit post-flowering maize growth? 

      Bonelli, Lucas Emmanuel; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Olmedo Pico, Belen; Di Matteo, Javier. A; Monzon, Juan Pablo; Rizzalli, Roberto Héctor; Andrade, Fernando Hector (Elsevier, 2020-07-01)
      After canopy closure and in the absence of limitations by water or nutrient availability, crop growth rate (CGR) of maize (Zea mays L.) is ultimately constrained by the daily incident radiation and temperature of the ...
    • Eco-physiological processes underlying maize water use efficiency response to plant density under contrasting water regimes 

      Hernandez, Mariano Daniel; Alfonso, Carla Susana; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Cambareri, Matias; Della Maggiora, Aida; Barbieri, Pablo; Echarte, María Mercedes; Echarte, Laura (Elsevier, 2020-09)
      This study quantified maize (Zea mays L.) water use efficiency for grain yield (WUEg) in response to plant density under contrasting water regimes; and focused on relevant eco-physiologial processes underlying the responses ...
    • Efecto de la fecha de siembra sobre la degradabilidad ruminal del almidón de maíz 

      Rusoci, Nicolas Eduardo (Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, 2021-08)
      El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la fecha de siembra sobre a) la degradabilidad efectiva del almidón, b) las características físicas del grano y c) la relación fuente/destino del cultivo de maíz durante ...
    • Efecto de variaciones en la temperatura durante el llenado de granos sobre la relación amilosa/almidón y la dureza endospermática de granos de maíz 

      Martínez, Roberto Dionisio; Cerrudo, Aní­bal Alejandro; Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel; Izquierdo, Natalia Gabriela; Andrade, Fernando Hector (2017-09)
      La dureza endospermática de granos de maíz depende de la concentración proteica, pero la composición del almidón podría afectarla también. Se ha reportado que endospermas con alta proporción de amilosa relativa al almidón ...
    • Environment affects starch composition and kernel hardness in temperate maize 

      Martínez, Roberto Dionisio; Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Izquierdo, Natalia Gabriela (Wiley, 2022-03)
      BACKGROUND: Protein percentage and kernel weight affect the endosperm hardness of maize grains. However, changes in starch composition could also modify kernel hardness, which is often predicted through milling ratio. The ...
    • Environment, management, and genetic contributions to maize kernel hardness and grain yield 

      Cerrudo, Aní­bal Alejandro; Martinez, Dionisio Roberto; Izquierdo, Natalia Gabriela; Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel; Laserna, Paula; Reinoso, Lucio; Valentinuz, Oscar Rodolfo; Balbi, Celsa Noemí; Andrade, Fernando Hector (2017-09)
      Dry milling performance of maize (Zea mays L.) is directly related to kernel hardness. This study assessed the contribution of maize hybrid and crop growing condition on kernel hardness and grain yield. Three hybrids that ...
    • Improving resource productivity at a crop sequence level 

      Caviglia, Octavio; Rizzalli, Roberto H.; Monzon, Juan Pablo; Garcia, Fernando; Melchiori, Ricardo Jose; Martinez, Juan José; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Irigoyen, Andrea Inés; Barbieri, Pablo; Van Opstal, Natalia Veronica; Andrade, Fernando Hector (Elsevier, 2019-04)
      The challenge to increase agricultural production with a minimum environmental impact requires to reach the maximum efficiency in the capture and use of resources such as photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), water, ...
    • Incidencia del ambiente y el tipo de híbrido en la composición y la dureza del grano de maíz. 

      Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, 2018-06)
      En esta tesis se presenta y discute evidencia acerca de cómo el ambiente en que se desarrolla el cultivo y el tipo de híbrido empleado se relacionan con la dureza del grano de maíz (indicada por la relación de molienda) ...
    • Maize grain yield components and source-sink relationship as affected by the delay in sowing date 

      Bonelli, Lucas Emmanuel; Monzon, Juan Pablo; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Rizzalli, Roberto H.; Andrade, Fernando Hector (Elsevier, 2016-11)
      Delaying maize (Zea mays L.) sowing date can diminish grain yields through reductions in the number, size and activity of growing grains (sink strength) and/or reductions in the assimilate supply (source capacity) to grains ...
    • Maize prolificacy: a source of reproductive plasticity that contributes to yield stability when plant population varies in drought-prone environments 

      Ross, Fernando; Di Matteo, Javier; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro (Elsevier, 2020-02)
      Reproductive plasticity, the ability of the plant to maintain the ratio between available resources and grain yield should be a useful trait to maintain the coupling between yield and resource availability under low-density ...
    • Maize transpiration efficiency increases with N supply or higher plant densities 

      Hernandez, Mariano Daniel; Alfonso, Cecilia; Echarte, María Mercedes; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Echarte, Laura (Elsevier, 2021-03-08)
      Most of the studies addressing the influence of management practices on seasonal crop water use efficiency (i.e., the ratio between shoot biomass and evapotranspiration in a seasonal scale, WUE(B, ET, s)) have focused on ...
    • Maize–soybean intensification alternatives for the Pampas 

      Monzón, Juan Pablo; Mercau, Jorge Luis; Andrade, José Francisco; Caviglia, Octavio; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Cirilo, Alfredo Gabriel; Vega, Claudia Rosa Cecilia; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Calviño, P.A. (2014-06)
      Cultivating multiple crops as a land use alternative could increase system productivity and sustainability, providing options to soybean monoculture for the Argentinean Pampas. This study evaluates the performance of ...
    • Manejo de malezas en maíz en ambientes con restricciones hídricas severas 

      Trejo, Loana; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro; Panaggio, Nestor Hernan (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce, INTA, 2022-07)
      Los cultivos de servicios son una opción promisoria para el manejo de malezas en ambientes donde el maíz es sembrado tardíamente y en baja densidad.
    • ¿Más nitrógeno y menos plantas en maíz? 

      Divito, Guillermo; Berg, Germán; Edwards Molina, Juan Pablo; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce, INTA, 2020-09)
      Desde un abordaje interinstitucional Profesionales de la Unidad Integrada nos proponen reflexionar sobre una mejor asignación de recursos en el cultivo de maíz a partir de un análisis de información generada en un número ...
    • Nitrogen deficiency in maize fields of the Southern Pampas does not affect kernel number but reduces weight per kernel 

      Moisés Domínguez, Clara; Andrade, Fernando Hector; Monzón, Juan Pablo; Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio; Cerrudo, Aníbal Alejandro (Elsevier, 2024-05)
      Nitrogen (N) requirement of maize has been increasing over the past decades, but there has been a lack ofadjustment in fertilization management practices across different regions in Argentina. The higher N requirementin ...