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A Multi-Objective Model Exploration of Banana-Canopy Management and Nutrient Input Scenarios for Optimal Banana-Legume Intercrop Performance
Ocimate, Walter; Groot, Jeroen C.J.; Blomme, Guy; Timler, Carl J.; Remans, Roseline; Taulya, Godfrey; Ntamwira, Jules; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (MDPI, 2021-02)Bananas on smallholder farmers in the African Great Lakes region are often pruned to illuminate shorter understory intercrops, reducing overall farm profitability. The impact of this practice on environmental and nutritional ... -
Agroecosystem patterns and land management co-develop through environment, management, and land-use interactions
Caulfield, Mark E.; Fonte, Steven J.; Groot, Jeroen C.J.; Vanek, Steven J.; Sherwood, Stephen; Oyarzun, Pedro; Borja, Ross Mary; Dumble, Sam; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Wiley, 2020-04)A poor understanding of the interactions between biophysical and social elements within rural mountainous landscapes can lead to suboptimal management and recommendations. The objective of this study was to contribute to ... -
El agua es prioridad: lecciones del proyecto Euroclima
De Pascuale Bovi, Juan Alberto; Ocariz, María Paula; Fernandez, Manuela Teresa; Easdale, Marcos Horacio; Bidinost, Franca; Conti, Santiago; Hara, Sofia Maria; Madariaga, Marta Cecilia; Gallo, Leonardo Ariel; Deluchi, Saúl Gastón; Laborda, Luciana; Alvarez, Valeria Esther; El Mujtar, Veronica Andrea; Gallardo, Alejandra Beatriz; Navedo, Rodrigo Manuel; Gizzi, Giuliana; Garabito, Fernando Gastón; Conterno, Cecilia; Maldonado, Maria Ines; Michel, Carolina Lara; Rovaretti, Georgina; Fantozzi, Anabella Giselle; Odeon, Maria Mercedes; Duprez, Juan Pablo; Lagorio, Paula Agustina; Barth, Iris Dagmar; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (EEA Bariloche, 2020-08)En el marco del proyecto EUROCLIMA financiando por la Unión Europea e implementado por el INTA, se han elaborado talleres participativos de análisis de riesgo en el contexto de cambio climático. Los resultados en Patagonia ... -
Análisis de la heterogeneidad de bosques nativos del NO de Patagonia : aportes para estimar la productividad forrajera
Trinco, Fabio Daniel; Rusch, Veronica Elena; Garibaldi, Lucas Alejandro; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Ediciones INTA, 2018-11)Objetivo: generar una herramienta para caracterizar la heterogeneidad de los bosques del NO de Patagonia y comprender los determinantes de la productividad forrajera a escala regional y de paisaje en los claros del bosque. -
Antimicrobial resistance dissemination associated with intensive animal production practices in Argentina: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Prack McCormick, Barbara; Quiroga, María P.; Alvarez, Veronica E.; Centrón, Daniela; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Elsevier, 2023-03)Abuse and misuse of antimicrobial agents has accelerated the spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. The association between antimicrobial-resistant infections in humans and antimicrobial use in agriculture is complex, ... -
Aplicación de fertilizantes orgánicos-pellets con sembradoras convencionales
Ferrari, Javier Luis; Dosanto, Aldo Maximiliano; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian; Reuque, Raul Esteban; Gazzotti, Juan Ignacio (Asociación Argentina Ciencia del Suelo, 2018-05)Los abonos son fuentes de nutrientes para los cultivos, también tienen altos contenidos de materia orgánica, la cual mejora las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo. El alto contenido de humedad y la baja densidad ... -
Aportes metodológicos para la evaluación de la transición a la agroecología - testeo de un marco analítico multidimensional en Patagonia Norte
De Pascuale Bovi, Juan Alberto; Hara, Sofía María; Alvarez, Valeria Esther; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Secretaría de Ciencia, Técnica y Posgrado, 2019-09)Evaluar los sistemas de producción agropecuaria desde una perspectiva holística, que permita conocer cuán agroecológico es un sistema o un territorio, es una tarea en permanente actualización. En base a los 10 elementos ... -
Apports des typologies d'exploitations aux démarches de conception en agriculture de conservation : une étude de cas dans le nord du Vietnam = Exploiting farm typologies for designing conservation agriculture systems: a case study in northern Vietnam
Hauswirth, Damien; Thi, Sen Pham; Wery, Jacques; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian; Jourdain, Damien; Affholder, François (2015-03)Dans deux districts montagneux du nord du Vietnam, l’agriculture de conservation (AC) est envisage´e pour re´duire l’impact environnemental de la culture de maı¨s sur pente. Dans ce contexte, notre e´tude vise l’e´laboration ... -
Are they even there? How agri-environment schemes investments reach their target species in Dutch dairy-farmland, the case of meadow birds
Barba-Escoto, Luis; Howison, Ruth Alison; Fokkema, Rienk W.; Duriaux-Chavarría, Jean-Yves; Stessens, Marie; Velde, Egbert van der; Hooijmeijer, Jos C.E.W.; Piersma, Theunis; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Elsevier, 2024-12)Agri-environmental schemes (AES) implemented by farmer collectives for meadow bird protection in The Netherlands create complex landscape mosaics due to the variability of options and combinations farmers use. We propose ... -
Assessing farmer perceptions on livestock intensification and associated trade-offs using fuzzy cognitive maps; a study in mixed farming systems in the mid-hills of Nepal
Alomia-Hinojosa, Victoria; Groot, Jeroen C.J.; Andersson, Jens A.; Speelman, Erika N.; McDonald, Andrew J.; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Wiley, 2023-02)Intensified livestock production is considered as a promising pathway for smallholder farmers. Nevertheless, this pathway may entail prohibitive investment requirements of labour, capital or trade-offs at farm level that ... -
Assessing resilience and adaptability in agroecological transitions
Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Elsevier, 2020-09)Guidelines are needed to support research and action on sustainable transitions towards more resilient and adaptable agroecosystems. Here I present an operationable and simple framework with theoretical underpinning to ... -
Assessing soil microbial biodiversity as affected by grazing and woody vegetation cover in a temperate savannah
El Mujtar, Veronica Andrea; Gregorutti, Viviana Carolina; Eclesia, Roxana Paola; Wingeyer, Ana Beatriz; Lezana, Lucrecia; Canavelli, Sonia Beatriz; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Wiley, 2021-04-07)Although it is well established that land use and management affects soil microbial biodiversity, with consequences for soil-mediated ecosystem services, knowledge on human-induced variability in soil bacterial and fungal ... -
Back to the people: The role of community-based responses in shaping landscape trajectories in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Novotny, Ivan P.; Fuentes-Ponce, Mariela H.; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian; Lopez-Ridaura, Santiago; Rossing, Walter A.H. (Elsevier, 2021-01)Land use change results from top-down drivers, such as policies, trade, and migration. Land use change may also result from community-based responses. In Mexico, rural communities govern most of the country's forests. This ... -
Biomass use trade-off in cereal cropping systems in the developing world : overview
Erenstein, Olaf; Gérard, Bruno; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (2015-03)Agricultural systems variously produce food, feed, fiber, fuel, and environmental goods. The relative emphasis varies over space and time – associated inter alia to inter-related developments in demand, technology and ... -
Capturing farm diversity with hypothesisbased typologies: An innovative methodological framework for farming system typology development
Alvarez, Stephanie; Timler, Carl J.; Michalscheck, Mirja; Paas, Wim; Descheemaeker, Katrien; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian; Andersson, Jens A.; Groot, Jeroen C.J. (Plos ONE, 2018-05-15)Creating typologies is a way to summarize the large heterogeneity of smallholder farming systems into a few farm types. Various methods exist, commonly using statistical analysis, to create these typologies. We demonstrate ... -
Compromisos entre productividad forrajera y cobertura arbórea en bosques andinos norpatagónicos
Trinco, Fabio Daniel (Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, 2022)Comprender los determinantes de la provisión servicios ecosistémicos es clave para tomar decisiones de manejo a nivel predial y de paisaje. Las interacciones entre especies en los bosques nativos tienen importantes ... -
Convergence between satellite information and farmers’ perception of drought in rangelands of North-West Patagonia, Argentina
Solano-Hernández, Ainhoa; Bruzzone, Octavio Augusto; Groot, Jeroen C.J.; Laborda, Luciana; Martinez, Abel Hector Maria; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian; Easdale, Marcos Horacio (Elsevier, 2020-09)Drought is a complex natural hazard with social and environmental implications. Satellite information is increasingly used to support decision-makers in preventing or coping with the negative impacts of drought. The ... -
Correlación entre indicadores ambientales y económico-productivos de la ganadería en Patagonia Norte = Correlation between environmental and economical-productive indicators in North Patagonia livestock farming
Hara, Sofia Maria; Faverin, Claudia; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (Asociación Argentina de Producción Animal (AAPA), 2024-09)La ganadería en Patagonia norte (PN) es la principal fuente de alimento e ingresos de familias rurales y provee servicios ecosistémicos. Sin embargo, el sector enfrenta desafíos dados por la estacionalidad y variabilidad ... -
Cotton as an entry point for soil fertility maintenance and food crop productivity in savannah agroecosystems-Evidence from a long-term experiment in southern Mali
Ripoche, Aude; Crétenet, M.; Corbeels, Marc; Affholder, François; Naudin, Krishna; Sissoho, F.; Douzet, Jean-Marie; Tittonell, Pablo Adrian (2015-06)Given the scarcity of manure and the limited land available for fallowing, cotton cultivation with its input credit schemes is often the main entry point for nutrients in cropping systems of West Africa. In an experiment ... -
Ecosystem services and disservices associated with pastoral systems from Patagonia, Argentina –A review
Tittonell, Pablo Adrian; Hara, Sofia Maria; Alvarez, Valeria Esther; Aramayo, Maria Valeria Del Luján; Bruzzone, Octavio Augusto; Easdale, Marcos Horacio; Enriquez, Andrea Soledad; Laborda, Luciana; Trinco, Fabio Daniel; Villagra, Edgar Sebastian; El Mujtar, Veronica Andrea (EDP Sciences, 2021-11-11)Pastoral systems worldwide secure rural livelihoods in the harshest environments on Earth. Their low productivity per area unit or head makes them the subject of much criticism with regard to their environmental impact, ...