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A first worldwide multispecies survey of invasive Mediterranean pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae)
Faccoli, Massimo; Gallego, Diego; Branco, Manuela; Brockerhoff, Eckehard G.; Corley, Juan Carlos; Coyle, David R.; Hurley, Brett P.; Jactel, Herve; Lakatos, Ferenc; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Lawson, Simon; Martinez, Gonzalo; Gomez, Demian F.; Avtzis, Dimitrios (Springer, 2020-02)Several European and Mediterranean species of pine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) have become established in North America and the southern hemisphere, posing a novel threat to planted and naturally-occurring ... -
A synthesis on the impact of non-native conifer plantations on ant and beetle diversity in norh-western Patagonia
Corley, Juan Carlos; Dimarco, Romina Daniela; Fischbein, Deborah; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Martinez Von Ellrich, Andres; Masciocchi, Maite; Mattiacci, Analia; Paritsis, Juan; Villacide, Jose Maria (2018-03)Softwood forestry with non-native tree species is increasing worldwide and especially in many developing countries of the Southern Hemisphere. Tree plantations are beneficial in environmental and socioeconomic aspects, but ... -
Aggressive tree killer or natural thinning agent? Assessing the impacts of a globally important forest insect
Krivak-Tetley, Flora E.; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Lombardero, Maria J.; Garnas, Jeff R.; Hurley, Brett P.; Villacide, Jose Maria; Slippers, Bernard; Corley, Juan Carlos; Liebhold, Andrew M.; Ayres, Matthew P. (Elsevier, 2021-03)Invasive insects and pathogens are prominent tree mortality agents in forests around the world, and the magnitude of their impacts is increasing. Comparative studies across multiple populations can be helpful for the ... -
Allee effects in an invasive social wasp: an experimental study in colonies of Vespula germanica
Melo, Romina Ayelen Luz; Masciocchi, Maite; Corley, Juan Carlos (Springer Nature, 2023-09)Allee effects rely on the existence of mutually beneficial intraspecific interactions that increase individual fitness and per capita growth rate, as the number of individuals in a population or group increases. When the ... -
Allee effects in an invasive social wasp: An experimental study in colonies of Vespula germanica [Conjunto de datos]
Masciocchi, Maite; Corley, Juan Carlos; Melo, Romina Ayelen Luz (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), 2023)Allee effects are based on the existence of mutually beneficial intraspecific interactions that individual fitness and per capita growth rate increase as the number of individuals in a population or group increase. Allee ... -
Aplicaciones de genética ecológica en poblaciones de insectos
Soliani, Carolina; De La Vega, Gerardo; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Martinez, Andres; Pietrantuono, Ana Laura; Porrino, Agustina Paula; Stazione, Leonel Daniel; Corley, Juan Carlos (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche, INTA, 2023-07)La ecología y la genética de poblaciones brindan herramientas de estudio que nos permiten conocer aspectos biológicos clave para entender la dinámica poblacional de los insectos dentro de un ecosistema. Esta información ... -
Ashes in the air : the effects of volcanic ash emissions on plant-pollinator relationship and possible consequences for apiculture
Martinez Von Ellrich, Andres; Masciocchi, Maite; Villacide, Jose Maria; Huerta, Guillermo Jose; Daneri, Luis; Bruchhausen, Axel; Rozas, Guillermo; Corley, Juan Carlos (2013-05)El rendimiento de forrajeo de los polinizadores podría ser alterado por las flores de cenizas volcánicas contaminados, polen y néctar. Se utilizó la abeja melífera (Apis mellifera) como organismo modelo para comprender los ... -
Avispas exóticas en la Patagonia: la importancia de la ecología de invasiones en el manejo de plagas
Villacide, Jose Maria; Masciocchi, Maite; Corley, Juan Carlos (2014-08)El manejo integrado de plagas (MIP) se basa en el conocimiento de la ecología de las especies problema. Se ha sugerido que cuando las plagas son especies invasoras, la comprensión del proceso de invasión puede mejorar aun ... -
Behavioural response of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio to volatile emissions of its fungal symbiont
Fernandez Ajo, Alejandro Apolo; Martinez Von Ellrich, Andres; Villacide, Jose Maria; Corley, Juan Carlos (2015-01)The wood-boring wasp, Sirex noctilio, is a global invasive pest that infects and kills pine trees by inoculating spores of a symbiotic fungus (Amylostereum areolatum) at oviposition. Wasp larvae depend on fungal growth to ... -
Brewer’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, enhances attraction of two invasive yellowjackets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) to dried fruit and fruit powder
Babcock, Tamara; Gries, Regine; Borden, John; Palmero, Luis; Mattiacci, Analia; Masciocchi, Maite; Corley, Juan Carlos; Gries, Gerhard (2017-09)The German yellowjacket, Vespula germanica F., and common yellowjacket, Vespula vulgaris L. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), are pests of significant economic, environmental, and medical importance in many countries. There is a ... -
Can early thinning and pruning lessen the impact of pine plantations on beetle and ant diversity in the Patagonian steppe?
Corley, Juan Carlos; Villacide, Jose Maria; Vesterinen, M. (2012)Pine plantations are thought to negatively impact species diversity and to irreversibly modify arid zones. However, some studies have suggested that through the application of appropriate management practices, the negative ... -
Can entomophagous nematodes slow the spread of invasive pest populations? The case study of Beddingia siricidicola released for the management of Sirex noctilio
Corley, Juan Carlos; Villacide, Jose Maria; Liebhold, Andrew M. (2014-12)Though rarely used in this way, biological control could potentially be exploited for managing spread of invasive species. Because spread of invasive species emerges from the combined action of population growth and ... -
Chemotactile perception and associative learning of amino acids in yellowjacket workers
Mattiacci, Analia; Pietrantuono, Ana Laura; Corley, Juan Carlos; Masciocchi, Maite (The Company of Biologists, 2025-01)Learning and memory are fundamental processes, influencing animal foraging behaviour and fitness success. Evaluating food nutritional quality, particularly of proteins and essential amino acids, involves complex sensory ... -
Classical biological control of an invasive forest pest : a world perspective of the management of Sirex noctilio using the parasitoid Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae)
Fischbein, Deborah; Corley, Juan Carlos (2015-02)Classical biological control is a key method for managing populations of pests in long-lived crops such as plantation forestry. The execution of biological control programmes in general, as the evaluation of potential ... -
Claves y factores que afectan el comportamiento de búsqueda de hospedadores en el parasitoide Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera : Ibaliidae)
Jofre, Nelida Raquel (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2017-08)El objetivo de esta tesis fue describir las claves y otros factores involucrados en el proceso de localización de hospedador por el parasitoide Ibalia leucospoides (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae). Estudié la respuesta de hembras ... -
A comparative analysis of host feeding and life-history traits in parasitoid wasps
Fischbein, Deborah; Jofre, Nelida Raquel; Corley, Juan Carlos (2016-05)Feeding in insect parasitoids can have significant implications from behavioral and evolutionary ecology standpoints. Females of many species not only search for hosts to lay their eggs on, but also may use them as a food ... -
Conducta de recolección de alimento en Vespula Germanica: Implicancias para el control de avispas sociales invasoras en la Patagonia
Mattiacci, Analia (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2019)Durante la búsqueda de alimentos los individuos necesitan resolver si explotar un recurso dado o continuar buscando nuevos sitios de alimentación, que posiblemente sean mejores. Esta decisión se basa principalmente en la ... -
Dataset-Sirex host preference and adult offspring performance
Villacide, Jose Maria; Liebhold, Andrew; Cavigliasso, Pablo; Corley, Juan Carlos (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche, INTA, 2024)Se incluyen los datos de un experimento de campo en el que manipulamos la calidad del árbol hospedante (factor independiente de la densidad) en sitios con diferentes densidades iniciales de avispas de la madera Sirex ... -
Determining the origin of invasions and demonstrating a lack of enemy release from microsporidian pathogens in the common wasps (Vespula vulgaris)
Lester, Philip J.; Gruber, Mónica A.M.; Brenton-Rule, Evan C.; Archer, Michael; Corley, Juan Carlos; Dvorak, Libor; Masciocchi, Maite; Van Oystaeyen, Annette (2014-08)La comprensión del papel de la liberación de enemigo en las invasiones biológicas requiere una evaluación del área de distribución del invasor, el número de eventos de invasión y la prevalencia del enemigo. La avispa común ... -
Dinámica de la dispersión y actividad de la avispa exótica Vespula germanica F. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) en Argentina
Masciocchi, Maite (Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, 2013)Las invasiones biológicas son un tema central de la ecología. Por un lado, la introducción de especies exóticas brinda un excelente escenario para estudiar procesos demográficos y las interacciones sobre la estructura de ...